
How to speed up your divorce in Texas

Picture this: you’re stuck in a never-ending traffic jam on the road of marriage, honking and inching forward at a snail’s pace. You’re fed up with the arguments, the lies, and all the drama. All you want is to hit the fast lane and zoom past the divorce finish line, leaving the past in the rearview mirror. Well, my friend, you’re in luck because we’re about to spill the beans on how to achieve the fastest divorce possible in Texas!

Short Answer: Can you really speed up your divorce? Absolutely! In this article, we’ll show you how to navigate the divorce expressway, sharing tips, tricks, and insider knowledge to help you reach your divorce destination in record time.

Now, before we rev our engines and zoom ahead, let’s be clear: we’re not advocating for a quick and reckless divorce that could come back to haunt you. No, no, no! Our mission is to guide you towards a well-executed divorce that protects your rights and the well-being of your children. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through the twists and turns of the fastest divorce possible!

Reasons to Keep Reading

  1. The Roadmap: We’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide to navigate the divorce process quickly and efficiently. From hiring the right divorce attorney to exploring alternative dispute resolution methods, we’ve got all the insider secrets to help you zip through the divorce proceedings.
  2. Pit Stops for Efficiency: We’ll share valuable insights on temporary orders, simplified divorce procedures, and gather the necessary documentation. These pit stops along the way will ensure you address immediate concerns, meet legal requirements, and avoid unnecessary detours.
  3. Communication and Cooperation Tips: We’ll reveal strategies for promoting effective communication and cooperation between you and your soon-to-be ex. Say goodbye to roadblocks and hello to smoother negotiations, minimizing the need for lengthy court battles.
  4. Bonus Features: We’ll sprinkle in some extra perks, such as tips on efficient negotiation techniques, post-divorce modifications, and even parenting classes for those navigating the challenges of co-parenting. These bonus features will add a turbo boost to your divorce journey.

So, my fellow speedsters, are you ready to hit the accelerator and discover the secrets of the fastest divorce possible? Get ready to revamp your approach, avoid unnecessary delays, and cross the finish line with confidence. It’s time to reclaim your freedom and embark on a new chapter of your life. Let’s put the pedal to the metal and make your divorce dreams a reality!

The Need for Speed: The Fastest Divorce Possible!

Nobody wants to go through a divorce. You may want to separate yourself from your spouse due to arguments, anger, violence, lies, and any other immoral and intolerable offenses. Still, nobody wants to have to go through months of a divorce case to do so. A magic wand that could be waved that results in the divorce would be much preferable. However, that is not reality, and the law in Texas has specific requirements that must be met to get a divorce.

Just because a divorce is necessary should not mean that it will have to take an exceptionally long time to complete it. This should come as a welcome relief if the length of the process you are about to undergo has been your concern heading into the case.

Today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, will center around how to speed up your divorce case as much as possible. While you do not want to miss anything important, you also do not want to delay the process any amount more than necessary. I will note that some of you reading this blog will not have the short and sweet version of a divorce that I will lay out in this blog post. That’s ok. You want a divorce done well that protects your and your children’s rights- not a quick divorce that hurts you in the long run.

Keep in mind that “speed up” is a relative term.

The fastest you can likely get a divorce in Texas is sixty days. From the date you file your Original Petition for Divorce to the date the judge can grant the divorce, you are looking at a two-month time frame. The reason for this waiting period is to give you and your spouse an amount of time to truly consider whether or not a divorce is right for you. You may be surprised to learn that I have had many clients who have used this period to reconsider divorce and attempt a reconciliation. I hope the same will be possible for you, but statistically (from my experience), this is unlikely.

Your judge can decide to waive this sixty-day waiting period if they believe your situation merits doing so. If your spouse has been convicted of domestic violence against you or someone in your household, for example, the judge may waive the sixty-day wait. Again, this does not often happen (thankfully), and therefore you should fully expect to wait your sixty days before getting a divorce in Texas.

This blog aims to help you get your case done in as close to sixty-one days as possible. You may not hit the nail right on the head, but I believe that with planning and some forethought, you can get it taken care of with minimal will delay.

What needs to be in place for you to get a divorce

At a bare minimum, you and your spouse must have two things in place to get a divorce: proof that one of you provided sufficient notice to the other that a divorce has been filed in Texas, and there must be a written agreement that shows a settlement of the issues related to your case. The written agreement is typically called a Final Decree of Divorce. It contains provisions related to a division of your marital estate as well as a breakdown of the rights, duties, visitation times, and possession details associated with your children, if you have any.

Notice and Service of your Original Petition for Divorce

Notifying your spouse of your Divorce Petition having been filed does not mean driving to her house and tapping her on the shoulder to let her know that you have filed for divorce. I mean, you must provide her with legal notice of the divorce. This is an entirely different subject altogether.

Legal notice involves either your spouse waiving their right to personal service of divorce papers or you actively going through the process of legally serving them. A waiver of citation allows you not to hire a private process server or constable to formally serve your spouse with your divorce petition. A waiver proves to the judge that your spouse has been legally notified of your divorce. The legal validity of your waiver depends on its adherence to the Texas Family Code provisions and its notarization.

When a waiver is not an option, you must notify your spouse. Usually, waivers work when your divorce is relatively “open and shut.” If you and your spouse are not on speaking terms or have vast areas of disagreement in one area or another of your case, then you can bet that a waiver is not an option for you all.

As I mentioned earlier, the typical method for serving your spouse notices your divorce is via a process server or constable. These folks will pick up your divorce paperwork at the courthouse, go out to your spouse’s home or business, and physically hand it to them. Once this is completed, your process server will complete the paperwork stating the service’s date/time/location and return it to the court. This proof of citation will be filed for your case, proving that your spouse has indeed been served with notice of this divorce case.

Your spouse is told within the paperwork that they receive that there is a limit of twenty days (and a few extra in most cases) to file a response or Answer to the Original Petition for Divorce. If they fail to do so, then a default judgment can be taken against him or them. A default judgment is a finalized judgment from the court that can be obtained without additional notification to your spouse.

Look at your circumstances to determine if a sixty-day divorce (or something close) is possible.

Once you and your spouse are both aware of the divorce, then you can move ahead to determine whether or not a relatively quick divorce is possible. You can make this determination by reviewing the circumstances and issues that appear in your case. If you all agree on virtually all the issues of your case, then you may be looking at a quick divorce. However, if you have many unresolved issues, a longer, more complicated divorce is likely necessary.

From my experience, issues related to children tend to slow down a divorce- with good cause. Your children are the most critical aspect of your life, and it will be no different in your divorce. If you and your spouse, for example, are not in agreement on which one of you will be caring for the children on a primary basis, this is a disagreement essential to any divorce case. Child custody, child support, the division of rights and duties, and other issues are inherent in a divorce case involving minor children. If you and your spouse are nowhere close to an agreement on these issues, then you have no realistic chance at a sixty-day divorce.

Fastest Divorce Possible: Achieving a Swift Resolution

Divorce proceedings can be emotionally draining and time-consuming, leaving individuals longing for a quick resolution to move on with their lives. While there is no magic formula to instantly dissolve a marriage, several strategies can expedite the divorce process without compromising on fairness and legal requirements. This article will explore various techniques and considerations for achieving the fastest divorce possible. Let’s dive in!

Hiring an Experienced Divorce Attorney

A crucial aspect often overlooked is the importance of finding a knowledgeable and skilled divorce attorney. A seasoned professional can guide you through the complexities of the legal system, ensuring all necessary steps are taken promptly. Their expertise can expedite the entire process, allowing you to navigate potential pitfalls efficiently. Remember, a capable divorce attorney can make a significant difference in the speed and outcome of your divorce.

Exploring Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

Many couples are unaware of the alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or collaborative divorce. These approaches promote open communication and cooperation between spouses, aiming to find mutually agreeable solutions. By opting for mediation or collaborative divorce, you can avoid lengthy court battles, reducing both the time and financial resources invested in the divorce proceedings. It is essential to explore these options early on and assess their suitability for your situation.

Leveraging Temporary Orders

Addressing immediate concerns during the divorce process is crucial, especially regarding matters like child custody, visitation, support, and temporary spousal maintenance. By seeking temporary orders, you can ensure that crucial issues are promptly addressed, allowing you and your family to transition smoothly during this challenging period. Temporary orders can be obtained early on to provide a temporary resolution until the final divorce settlement is reached.

Understanding Simplified Divorce Procedures

In Texas, some couples may qualify for simplified divorce procedures with specific requirements and can significantly expedite the process. These procedures are designed for couples with minimal or no contested issues, simplifying the legal formalities. Understanding the eligibility criteria and procedural requirements can help you determine if you qualify for a simplified divorce. Consulting with a divorce attorney can provide valuable insights and guidance regarding this option.

Gathering Necessary Documentation

Gathering all relevant financial and personal documents is essential to ensure a smooth and expeditious divorce process. These documents may include bank statements, tax returns, property deeds, employment records, and other pertinent information. Having these documents readily available can streamline the proceedings, avoiding unnecessary delays caused by incomplete or missing information. Efficient organization and preparation in this regard can significantly contribute to expediting your divorce.

Documentation Needed


Bank statements

To assess financial assets and liabilities

Tax returns

To determine income and potential deductions

Property deeds

To identify shared or separate property

Employment records

To evaluate income and benefits

Retirement account statements

To understand savings and investments

Promoting Efficient Communication and Cooperation

Positive communication and cooperation between spouses can make a substantial difference in divorce’s speed and overall experience. It is crucial to approach discussions with an open mind, seeking common ground and compromise whenever possible. Effective communication can help resolve issues amicably, reducing the need for lengthy court proceedings. Considering the emotional aspects of divorce, employing strategies that foster healthy dialogue can benefit both parties involved.

Seeking Professional Assistance for Financial Matters

Divorce involves intricate financial considerations, including property division, asset valuation, and debt allocation. Seeking professional assistance, such as financial advisors or forensic accountants, can help navigate these complexities efficiently. Their expertise can facilitate accurate financial assessments, ensuring a fair distribution of assets and liabilities. You can expedite financial settlements and minimize potential disputes by employing financial professionals early in the process.

Exploring Parenting Classes and Co-Parenting Plans

Establishing clear guidelines and fostering a cooperative parenting approach can create a stable and nurturing environment for your children while streamlining the divorce process. Attending parenting classes or creating a co-parenting plan for couples with children can be immensely beneficial. These resources provide valuable guidance on effective co-parenting strategies, helping minimize child custody and visitation conflicts.

Embracing Efficient Negotiation Techniques

Resolving disagreements through negotiation is often more time-efficient than resorting to lengthy court battles. Learning effective negotiation techniques can help facilitate productive discussions and lead to mutually acceptable solutions. By approaching negotiations with a solution-oriented mindset and focusing on shared interests, you can expedite the resolution of disputes and potentially avoid protracted legal proceedings.

Considering Post-Divorce Modifications

Circumstances may change over time after finalizing the divorce, which may necessitate modifications to the original divorce agreement. Issues such as child custody, support, or visitation might need adjustments to accommodate evolving needs or situations. Knowing the possibility of post-divorce modifications and the legal processes involved is essential. Consulting with a divorce attorney can guide navigating these modifications effectively.

In conclusion, achieving the fastest divorce possible requires a combination of strategic approaches, effective communication, and proactive planning. By leveraging the expertise of experienced divorce attorneys, exploring alternative dispute resolution methods, and prioritizing efficient communication, you can expedite the divorce process without sacrificing fairness and legal requirements. Remember, each divorce case is unique, and seeking professional guidance is crucial to ensure a swift resolution that meets your specific needs and circumstances.

The Finish Line Beckons: Zooming Towards Your Fastest Divorce Possible!

Congratulations, road warriors! You’ve reached the end of our turbo-charged journey on achieving the fastest divorce possible. From start to finish, we’ve unveiled the secret shortcuts, shared the hidden gems, and provided you with the ultimate roadmap to a swift and successful divorce. But before we bid farewell, let’s recap our exhilarating adventure together.

Short Answer: Can you really speed up your divorce? Absolutely! By implementing our expert tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to a speedy resolution, leaving the slow lane behind.

Remember when we started stuck in that traffic jam of endless divorce proceedings? You now have the skills to maneuver around roadblocks, navigate twists and turns, and accelerate towards freedom. You’ve discovered the power of hiring an experienced divorce attorney who’ll be your trusty co-pilot, guiding you through the legal maze.

We explored alternative dispute resolution methods, avoiding courtroom gridlock and finding common ground through mediation or collaborative divorce. And let’s not forget the pit stops we made along the way—temporary orders, simplified divorce procedures, and the importance of gathering the necessary documentation. These stops kept you fueled up and ready to tackle any obstacle.

Charting the Course for a Smooth Post-Divorce Journey

Communication and cooperation became your best friends as you embraced efficient negotiation techniques, paving the way for smoother discussions and fewer legal speed bumps. And for those with little co-pilots in tow, we introduced the concept of parenting classes and co-parenting plans, ensuring a smoother ride for everyone involved.

But our adventure doesn’t end here. We’ve left you with some bonus features to supercharge your divorce journey. Whether it’s post-divorce modifications or extra tips for handling financial matters, we want you to continue zooming towards a brighter future.

So, fellow speed demons, remember that divorce doesn’t have to be a long, winding journey as you buckle up and prepare to hit the road. It’s time to rev your engines, leave the past behind, and embrace the open road that lies ahead. By following our expert advice, you’ll be well on your way to the fastest divorce possible.

Safe travels, my friends! Now, go forth and conquer the divorce highway with confidence, knowing that your destination of a fresh start is closer than ever. Speed may be exhilarating, but always drive responsibly and prioritize fairness and the well-being of all involved.


Adobe Stock 62844981[2]If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce

Divorce Wasting Assets[4] If you want to know more about how to prepare, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!

  1. The 60-Day Divorce in Texas
  2. I’m In a Hurry: How Fast Can I Get Divorced?
  3. Do military couples marry faster than other couples?
  4. Retirement planning in a Texas divorce: a quick checklist to prepare for your case
  5. How the combination of an experienced family law attorney and mediator can cause your divorce to resolve quickly
  6. Quick and easy divorce? Read this to see if one is possible for you in Texas
  7. 15 Quick Tips Regarding Filing for Divorce in Texas
  8. 10 Quick Tips About Parental Visitation
  9. Property division in divorce isn’t always easy to work through
  10. Co-parenting made easy (well, easier, at least) in Texas
  11. Divorcing a narcissist isn’t easy-read this blog post to find out how to do it
  12. Is Divorce Easy?
  14. The Cheap and Easy, Online Divorce Is Usually Anything But…
  15. 15 Quick Tips Regarding Filing for Divorce in Texas
  16. Exploring Legal Options: Challenging a Speed Ticket in Court
  17. Consequences of Ignoring a Speed Ticket Court Date
  18. The Five Over Myth and Debunking It

Frequently Asked Questions: Fastest Divorce

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