Can prenuptial agreements be void in Texas?

Can You Void a Prenup in Texas? Unraveling the Legal Complexities

Prenuptial agreements are, at the same time, among the most important yet misunderstood topics in all of family law. From movies and television shows, you may have a belief that […]

Why Get a Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenuptial Agreement Benefits in Texas | Bryan Fagan, PLLC

Marriage is a big step, and protecting your future is just as important as celebrating your love. Wondering Why Get a Prenuptial Agreement? It’s not just for the wealthy. A […]

How to Bring up the Topic of Prenuptial Agreements

How to Bring Up a Prenuptial Agreement: Navigating the Conversation

Prenuptial agreements, commonly known as prenups, often carry a negative stigma in our society. There’s a perception that these agreements are solely for hiding assets, protecting wealth in a potential […]

Postnuptial Agreements in Texas Family Law

Postnuptial Agreements in Texas Family Law

Earlier this week, the attorneys at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, explored the complexities of premarital agreements in their blog post, highlighting their significance in marriage. Today, we […]

Foreign Marriage Contracts and Divorce in Texas

Foreign Marriage Contracts and Divorce in Texas

In today’s interconnected world, where transportation and technology have made global mobility easier, more individuals are immigrating to the United States with foreign marriage contracts from their home countries. These […]