Unraveling the Mystery: The Tragic Life of Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Gypsy Rose Blanchard was born on July 27, 1991, in Golden Meadow, Louisiana. Her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard (born Clauddine Pitre), was originally from Chackbay, Louisiana. The identity of Gypsy’s father is Rod Blanchard. Rod and Dee Dee separated not long after Gypsy was born, and Dee Dee took on the primary caregiving role.

The Beginning Of Her Medical Conditions

Dee Dee began to claim that Gypsy had health issues from as early as 3 months old. She told doctors that her daughter had sleep apnea, leading to a series of tests that found no issues. By the age of 7, Gypsy was confined to a wheelchair, even though she could walk on her own. Dee Dee insisted that Gypsy had muscular dystrophy and other health conditions that prevented her from walking.

Throughout her childhood, Gypsy underwent multiple surgeries, including procedures on her eyes and removal of her salivary glands. She was also fed through a feeding tube, even though it was unnecessary.

Due to her supposed medical conditions, Gypsy was taken out of school after second grade, with Dee Dee claiming she would homeschool her. However, there’s little evidence to suggest Gypsy received much education at home.

Relocation And Public Perception

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Dee Dee and Gypsy relocated to Springfield, Missouri. They received donations, a house built by Habitat for Humanity, and other support due to Dee Dee’s claims about Gypsy’s health and their status as hurricane survivors.

To the outside world, Dee Dee was seen as a devoted mother taking care of her severely ill child. They were often in the public eye, attending charity events and receiving gifts and trips from organizations.

Control And Isolation

Dee Dee often lied about Gypsy’s age, making her out to be younger than she was. She controlled Gypsy’s birth certificate and other documents, ensuring Gypsy herself was unsure of her actual age. Gypsy was isolated from her peers and most of her family. Dee Dee often spoke for her in public settings and controlled her interactions.

Early Signs Of Rebellion

As she entered her teens, Gypsy tried to run away from home a few times. However, she was always found by Dee Dee, who would then further tighten her control over her daughter. Gypsy began to use the internet in secret, exploring aspects of life she was kept away from and even setting up online dating profiles.

The early life of Gypsy Rose Blanchard was marked by a series of deceptions, unnecessary medical interventions, and strict control by her mother. It set the stage for the tragic events that would unfold in her later years.

Gypsy’s Growing Awareness

As Gypsy grew older, she began to realize that she could walk and that many of the ailments her mother claimed she had, were not real. There were instances when she would stand or walk when she thought no one was watching. Gypsy found a copy of her birth certificate at one point, which revealed her actual age. This discovery contradicted what Dee Dee had told her and made Gypsy question other aspects of her life.

Online Relationships

Behind her mother’s back, Gypsy started using the internet, where she explored aspects of life she had been shielded from. This included relationships, sexuality, and social interactions.

Nicholas Godejohn

Gypsy met Nicholas Godejohn on a Christian dating website in 2012. Their relationship quickly became intimate, and they began discussing plans for their future together. Gypsy confided in him about her real health status and her desire to escape her mother’s control. As their relationship deepened, Gypsy and Godejohn began discussing more drastic measures to free Gypsy from her mother’s grasp. This included fantasies and plans about killing Dee Dee.

The Plan To Escape

Before the murder, Gypsy had tried to escape once. She ran away to meet a man she had met online. However, Dee Dee found her within a few hours, with the help of the police. After this incident, Dee Dee smashed Gypsy’s computer and phone, and threatened to smash her fingers with a hammer if she ever tried to escape again.

The Murder

Gypsy and Godejohn devised a plan where Godejohn would come to the Blanchard house and murder Dee Dee while Gypsy hid in the bathroom. On June 14, 2015, Godejohn followed through with the plan and stabbed Dee Dee multiple times while she was asleep. After the murder, Gypsy and Godejohn took several thousand dollars in cash from Dee Dee’s safe, packed a bag, and fled to Godejohn’s home in Wisconsin.

The Suspicion and Investigation

A post appeared on Dee Dee and Gypsy’s shared Facebook page stating, “That Bitch is dead!” This alarming post caused friends and neighbors to become concerned and contact the police. When the police conducted a welfare check on the Blanchard home, they discovered Dee Dee’s body.

Investigators traced the IP address of the disturbing Facebook post to Godejohn’s home in Wisconsin. They also discovered the text and online conversations between Gypsy and Godejohn, which detailed their plans.

Gypsy’s boyfriend at the time, Nicholas Godejohn, carried out the actual act of murder, but it was planned and instigated by both of them. Gypsy and Godejohn were arrested in Wisconsin on June 15, 2015. During the interrogation, Gypsy, who was walking and not in a wheelchair, revealed the extent of the deception and abuse she had endured.

In 2016, Gypsy pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The discovery of the truth shocked the community and the wider public. Many who had seen Dee Dee as a devoted mother were stunned to learn about the years of abuse and deception. The case highlighted the severe consequences of Munchausen syndrome by proxy and the lengths to which a victim might go to escape such abuse.

Early Release For Gypsy Rose

One of the significant factors that likely influenced the decision for early parole is the recognition that Gypsy was a victim of prolonged abuse by her mother. Dee Dee Blanchard had Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP), a mental health disorder where a caregiver fabricates or induces illness in someone under their care. For years, Gypsy was made to believe she had various illnesses and disabilities, leading to unnecessary medical treatments, surgeries, and medications.

Inmates can be considered for early release based on their behavior during their incarceration. If Gypsy exhibited good behavior, cooperated with prison authorities, and participated in rehabilitation programs, it would have worked in her favor during parole considerations.

The public’s perception of Gypsy as more of a victim than a perpetrator might have played a role. The story of Gypsy and her mother gained widespread attention, with documentaries and series highlighting the severe abuse Gypsy endured. This public sympathy could have influenced the parole board’s decision.

In some cases, individuals who have committed crimes under duress or as a result of prolonged abuse may receive more lenient sentences or be granted early parole. The legal system sometimes recognizes that such individuals, while responsible for their actions, were also victims themselves.

While not specific to Gypsy’s case, it’s worth noting that prison overcrowding and resource allocation can sometimes play a role in early release decisions. If an inmate is deemed to be of low risk to society and has shown good behavior, they might be considered for early release to alleviate prison populations.


Being granted parole doesn’t mean complete freedom. Gypsy will likely have to adhere to specific conditions set by the parole board. This could include regular check-ins with a parole officer, restrictions on travel, or mandatory counseling sessions.

Gypsy’s early release means she will need to reintegrate into society after years of incarceration and a lifetime of abuse and deception. This transition can be challenging, and she might require support in terms of counseling, finding employment, and rebuilding relationships.

Given the high-profile nature of her case, Gypsy’s release will likely draw significant media attention. How she navigates this attention and the narrative around her story will be crucial for her future.

In conclusion, Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s early release is a complex issue that intertwines legal considerations, the recognition of her victimhood, and societal perceptions of justice and rehabilitation.

What Is Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy (MSBP)

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP), also known as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA), is a complex and rare form of child abuse where a caregiver, usually a parent, fabricates or induces illness in a person under their care.  This is a psychological condition where a caregiver fabricates or induces health problems in someone they’re looking after, often to seek attention or elicit compassion.


The caregiver may exaggerate, fabricate, or induce symptoms in the child, leading to unnecessary medical tests, surgeries, and treatments. They could also frequently seeks medical care for the child, often visiting multiple healthcare providers to prevent detection. The caregiver often appears to be very concerned for the child’s well-being, enjoying the attention and sympathy they receive from medical professionals and others. The caregiver may have a notable understanding of medical terminology and conditions, often due to extensive research or previous medical training.


The exact cause of MSBP is unknown, but several factors may contribute such as the caregiver may have a need for attention and sympathy, which they receive when their child is perceived as being ill. The caregiver may have a need for control and power over the child, using the child’s “illness” as a means to exert this control. There may be have a history of abuse, neglect, or trauma, or they may have experienced loss, such as the death of a child. The caregiver may have underlying mental health disorders or personality disorders.


The child may undergo unnecessary medical procedures, surgeries, and treatments, leading to physical harm or even death. Children can often experiences emotional and psychological trauma due to the repeated medical interventions and the betrayal of trust by the caregiver. The child may experience developmental delays or regressions due to the constant focus on their “illness” and lack of normal childhood experiences.


Detecting MSBP can be challenging because the caregiver often appears to be genuinely concerned for the child’s well-being. However, some signs may raise suspicion such as the child’s reported medical history and symptoms may be inconsistent or not align with medical records. The child’s symptoms may only manifest when they are with the caregiver and may improve when the caregiver is absent.

The child may have frequent hospital admissions, often with a range of different symptoms. The caregiver may resist the child being discharged from medical care, even when the child is deemed to be healthy.


The primary concern is the safety of the child. If MSBP is suspected, protective services may be involved to ensure the child’s well-being. Both the caregiver and the child may benefit from therapy. The caregiver may need long-term therapy to address the underlying causes of their behavior. The caregiver may face legal consequences, including loss of custody or criminal charges. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a severe form of abuse that can have long-lasting consequences for the child. Early detection and intervention are crucial to protect the child and provide the necessary support and treatment.

How Was Gypsy Rose Able To Get So Many Surgeries Done?

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s numerous surgeries and medical treatments were primarily a result of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard’s, manipulative behavior and deceit.

Dee Dee had a basic understanding of medical terminology and conditions, which she likely acquired through extensive research and frequent interactions with healthcare professionals. This knowledge allowed her to convincingly describe symptoms and conditions to doctors.

Dee Dee consistently fabricated or exaggerated Gypsy’s symptoms. She would provide a detailed medical history, often claiming that Gypsy had suffered from various ailments since infancy.

If a doctor became suspicious or doubted the veracity of Gypsy’s alleged conditions, Dee Dee would often switch to a different healthcare provider. This practice, known as “doctor shopping,” allowed her to avoid scrutiny and find doctors who would accept her claims without too much skepticism.

Dee Dee portrayed herself as a devoted and concerned mother, which made many healthcare professionals less likely to doubt her. Her apparent dedication to Gypsy’s well-being often deflected suspicion.

Dee Dee isolated Gypsy from other family members and controlled her interactions with the outside world. This ensured that Gypsy rarely had the opportunity to speak freely with doctors without Dee Dee present. On the few occasions when Gypsy did hint at the truth, Dee Dee would quickly intervene.

Deceptive Narratives and Medical Manipulation

Dee Dee often lied about Gypsy’s age and medical history. By controlling Gypsy’s medical records and other documents, she could present a version of Gypsy’s health that suited her narrative.

The narrative of a single mother taking care of a severely ill child garnered a lot of sympathy. Their story moved many people, including medical professionals, rendering them less inclined to question the validity of Gypsy’s diagnoses.

After events like Hurricane Katrina, Dee Dee and Gypsy moved, starting afresh in a new community. This allowed Dee Dee to establish a new set of medical histories without the baggage of previous records.

It’s worth noting that the medical community relies heavily on trust between doctors and patients (or their guardians). While doctors do conduct tests and evaluations, they also depend on the information provided by patients and their caregivers. In the case of Gypsy Rose, Dee Dee’s consistent and detailed fabrications, combined with her ability to manipulate those around her, allowed her to deceive numerous medical professionals over the years.

Need Help? Call Us Now!

Do not forget that when you or anyone you know is facing a criminal charge, you have us, the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, by your side to help you build the best defense case for you. We are committed to working in your best interest and ensuring the best possible outcome for you. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive explanations of your trial and the most effective defense strategies. Through every step of the criminal process, we will be there to guide and support you.

Therefore, do not hesitate to call us if you find yourself or someone you know that is facing criminal charges unsure about the court system. We will work with you to give you the best type of defense that can help you solve your case. It is vital to have someone explain the result of the charge to you and guide you in the best possible way.

Here at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, we have professional and knowledgeable criminal law attorneys who are experienced in building a defense case for you that suits your needs for the best possible outcome that can benefit you.  

Here at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, you are given a free consultation at your convenience. You may choose to have your appointment via Zoom, Google Meet, email, or an in-person appointment; and we will provide you with as much advice and information as possible so you can have the best possible result in your case, even if it involves sensitive topics like the Gypsy Rose case. 

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