
Transportation Resources in Brazoria County

Transportation Resources in Brazoria County

The Southern Brazoria County Transit service has five routes in Lake Jackson, Clute, Freeport, and Angleton. Any resident of Brazoria County who utilizes these services will have convenient access within each city to the services that allow for each resident to determine what support are available to them. If you are just moving to Brazoria County, then this list can be your jumping off point to learn more about how to get around Brazoria County.

The city of Angleton also offers bus service. Three routes- gold, purple and purple-gold operate six days a week. The Gulf Coast Transit District offers you and your family a wide range of transportation options including fixed route service, ADA paratransit and shared on-demand service. If you are a senior citizen, person who suffers from a disability or impairment or just a person who lacks medical insurance these are programs that are great for you to avail yourself of.

Actions, Inc. of Brazoria County offers free transportation services to people over the age of 60 years of age who need to travel to and from the doctor and the pharmacy. Essential shopping-groceries, home goods and the like are also covered by this program.

Finally, Emergency Medical Transport is available for people who need an away to get to the hospital or emergency room after suffering an acute injury or illness. The 211 websites also has resources on how you may be able to get from point A to point B smoothly and without hinderance, as well. Not being able to drive or being unwilling to drive in a new place while you are learning the roads can make these transportation resources absolutely essential for you and your family while you are working to get your feet on the ground financially.

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