
Governmental Resources in Houston

Moving to a new area means becoming familiar with the city and what makes it a unique place to call home. Houston is place where thousands of people move each year for an almost countless number of reasons. Here are some of the local resources provided by Houston Government that may make your transition into becoming a Houstonian that much easier.

Additionally, Administration and Regulatory Affairs provides solutions to regulatory challenges. Commercial permitting and enforcement is a major area of focus for this city department. If you own a business and need to request a permit or have a building inspected then this is the department for you to be aware of. The Houston government also requires vehicle for hire companies and those working as contractors for these companies to obtain permits that allow them to legally operate within the city of Houston.

The Houston Fire Department serves Houstonians in terms of providing fire prevention services, educational opportunities for the public, pre-hospital emergency care and transportation services. HFD considers itself a one stop shop for social services in the community as well.

The Houston Police Department enhances the quality of life in the city of Houston by working with the public in order to prevent crime and provide a backdrop in which all Houston can live their lives without concern of crime.

When you move to Houston one of the first things you may need to do is to update your driver’s license. If you moved here from a state other than Texas then you need to obtain a new driver’s license and license plates. Fortunately, the Texas Department of Public Safety has twenty two offices located in and around the city of Houston. This helps and might prompt action instead of delay due to time concerns.

Finally, Harris County (of which Houston is the county seat) offers numerous tips and instructions on how to register to vote based on your new address. Not updating your address after you move makes it difficult to vote alongside your community. Even in non-presidential election years there are important items on the ballot for every community, but you will be provided with the ballot for your old area (if you moved to Houston from another part of Texas). Early voting, primary elections and tips for managing yourself on election day are also at the top of their website.

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