
Alimony & Spousal Support Harris County

In Texas, alimony is referred to as spousal maintenance, and it serves as financial assistance provided to a spouse during or after a divorce to ensure their financial stability. When navigating the complexities of divorce in Harris County, Texas, it’s essential to understand your rights and entitlements regarding alimony and spousal support. At our law firm, we specialize in providing expert legal advice and representation to individuals seeking or contesting alimony and spousal support arrangements.
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Alimony & Spousal Support in Harris County, TX

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In Harris County, Texas, individuals who are divorced are entitled to seek alimony or spousal support. These are periodic payments one spouse makes to the other for sustenance either during or after a divorce. The amount is based on each party’s needs and earning capacity.

Key distinctions exist between alimony and spousal support:

There are distinct differences between alimony and spousal support:

  • Alimony: This is financial support provided to a spouse during the divorce to help with sustenance and financial stability. In Texas, alimony is also known as spousal maintenance.
  • Spousal Maintenance: Similar to alimony, it assists the spouse in regaining financial independence post-divorce.

Eligibility for Spousal Maintenance

The court may order spousal maintenance if the spouse seeking it lacks sufficient property to meet basic needs after divorce. Alimony is considered especially when there’s a history of family violence. Additionally, if a spouse cannot earn enough income due to disability, the court often grants spousal support.

Support is also possible if the marriage lasted over ten years and the seeking spouse can’t maintain their pre-divorce standard of living. Moreover, if the spouse seeking support is caring for a physically disabled child, spousal and child support are often awarded together.

Factors Considered by the Court for Support/Alimony

The court evaluates several factors before granting alimony, ensuring the paying spouse can afford it. These factors include:

Seeking Spousal Support Advice?

Texas attorney Bryan Fagan can represent you, whether you’re the payer or recipient. Specializing in family law and divorce, Attorney Fagan offers in-depth expertise in complex cases.

For more details on spousal support and alimony in Harris County, feel free to contact the firm by submitting the contact form below!

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