
How Could Your Divorce Impact Your Estate Plan in Texas?

Divorce – a rollercoaster ride of emotions, tough decisions, and a whirlwind of changes. As you navigate through this challenging chapter of your life, there’s one aspect that often gets overlooked but deserves your undivided attention: estate planning. Yes, I know, the words “estate planning” may conjure up images of stuffy lawyers and complex legal jargon, but fear not! In this blog, we will demystify the connection between estate planning and divorce in a fun and engaging way.

Short answer: Yes, your divorce can impact your estate plan in more ways than you might think. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the captivating world of estate planning and divorce.

We’ll take you on a journey through the tangled web of property division, retirement accounts, trusts, business ownership, child custody, alimony, tax planning, and more. We’ll sprinkle in relatable real-life examples, storytelling, and a touch of humor to make this topic enjoyable.

Why should you keep reading, you ask?

Well, besides learning how to protect your assets and loved ones during and after a divorce, you’ll discover:

  1. The secrets behind property division and how to ensure a fair outcome that doesn’t leave you pulling your hair out.
  2. How to navigate the complex landscape of retirement accounts and pensions, ensuring your golden years remain truly golden.
  3. The power of trusts and estate planning strategies that can safeguard your assets and provide for your children or beneficiaries.
  4. The ins and outs of business ownership in the midst of a divorce, so you can ensure the continuity of your entrepreneurial dreams.
  5. A comprehensive understanding of child custody and support issues, ensuring your children’s well-being remains a top priority.
  6. The lowdown on alimony and spousal maintenance, because let’s face it, nobody wants financial surprises lurking around the corner.
  7. Tax planning tips to minimize the impact of divorce on your finances and maximize your post-divorce savings.
  8. The benefits of mediation and alternative dispute resolution, because a peaceful path forward can make all the difference.
  9. Insights into parental rights and responsibilities, helping you navigate the complexities of co-parenting with grace and understanding.
  10. Post-divorce financial planning strategies to rebuild, regain stability, and pursue your dreams.

So, whether you’re just starting the divorce process or have recently finalized it, buckle up and join us on this captivating ride through the world of estate planning and divorce. Let’s ensure your assets and loved ones are protected, and your future is secure. It’s time to take control and embark on this empowering journey together. Let’s get started!

Estate Planning and Divorce: Safeguarding Your Assets and Loved Ones

You and your spouse hopefully each have a will that was created sometime during your marriage. If you have children you must have a will drawn up to protect yourself, your estate and your family should something unexpected happen to you. Once you get a divorce, you will likely have to change your beneficiaries to consider that you and your spouse are no longer married. I highly doubt that you would want your ex-spouse to inherit all your assets upon passing away.

Also, if you earn a particularly high income and are fortunate enough to have a high enough net worth you will need to take a look at gift and estate tax issues at the time of your divorce. This is best done through the assistance of a tax professional and a financial advisor. For all of these reasons, you should anticipate and plan for changes in your estate planning in the weeks and months following the conclusion of your divorce. There is no better time than the present to begin planning for the changes that come with divorce from a financial perspective.

Are you able to do any financial planning/estate planning early on in your divorce?

In Texas, rather than making early changes to a formal estate plan during a divorce, you’re more likely to reach a settlement for temporary orders with your spouse. Temporary orders provide directives for the remaining months of the divorce process. In this phase, common subjects addressed include determining living arrangements for both parties, establishing visitation schedules for the children, deciding on temporary spousal and child support amounts, and assigning responsibility for household bill payments.

During this process, it is important to remember that strange and unfortunate events sometimes occur. An example of this would be your spouse passing away suddenly. If your spouse were to pass away after agreeing to temporary orders but before the court entered a final decree of divorce, you would need to consider the next steps in the divorce proceedings. How would you handle that? What would happen to you and your family from a financial perspective?

Suppose you are the spouse who will receive spousal maintenance and child support from your ex-spouse once the divorce is finalized. In that event, you may want to negotiate for a provision in your final divorce decree that your spouse will need to purchase a life insurance policy that names you as the beneficiary. Whatever amount you all decide upon to be insured by should be able to cover the spousal maintenance and child support payments that would be missed until your children turn 18.

While it may not happen frequently, there’s nothing wrong with requesting that your spouse updates their will to benefit you or your children. This is similar to naming you as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy. However, expect some resistance to the idea. If you negotiate the update successfully, ensure that the executor promptly executes your ex-spouse’s wishes.

If you will be updating your estate plan what should your focus be in connection with a divorce?

This is an important step to take after your divorce has concluded no matter what you decide to do regarding your estate plan. Suppose you have been married for an extended period. In that case, your ex-spouse is likely included in your will as your representative, beneficiary, trustee on trust, or has a power of attorney generally or medically over matters related to you. Although updating and getting a new will during your divorce may not be possible you should begin to plan what you want to do so that you can execute that plan as soon as your divorce concludes.

Suppose that you and your ex-spouse have a son who has just turned 18. When you and your spouse got a divorce, you agreed to pay for your son’s college education. That means college tuition, room and board and books are all going to be paid by you. If you pay the tuition directly to the university and then give money for everything else directly to your child, you may be interested to learn which payments are subject to a gift tax and which are not. Consult with a tax professional to find out more.

What happens to Social Security retirement benefits as a result of a divorce?

After you and your spouse divorce, you can claim retirement benefits based on your earnings as long as you have been employed and have built up enough credits through paying social security taxes in your working years. In the alternative, you can claim benefits based on your spouse’s working history and earnings record. It doesn’t matter whether you worked or not if you want to claim benefits based on your spouse’s work record.

However, you must meet certain criteria to qualify for benefits under your ex-spouse’s work record. First, your ex-spouse must currently be entitled to receive retirement or disability benefits through social security. As far as your length of the marriage is concerned, you and your spouse must have been married for at least ten years before your divorce was finalized. Next, you cannot currently be married and must be 62 years old or older. Finally, you are not entitled to collect a benefit through social security based on your own earning’s record that exceeds or equals half of your spouse’s anticipated payout amount. If you meet these requirements, you can receive benefits through your ex-spouse.

One last point- if you are over the age of 62 and you have been divorced from your spouse for at least two years you are eligible to receive social security benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings. It does not matter if your ex-spouse has not yet elected to start receiving benefits.

What is the maximum amount of money that you can receive in Social Security benefits?

If you begin to receive benefits at your full retirement age your spousal benefit will be equal to 50% of your ex-spouse’s full retirement benefit. Your spousal benefit based on your ex-spouse’s full retirement benefit (monthly) of $2,000 would be $1,000. However, you need to be aware that if you are eligible to receive benefits based on your own earnings record then social security will pay that amount to you first. If your spouse’s benefit would pay you more money you would receive benefits based on your own earnings record and would get a second amount added to it that equals the higher benefit amount.

What happens to your Social Security benefits if you decide to remarry?

If your ex-spouse gets remarried but you do not then your benefits under Social Security will not be impacted at all. If you remarry you generally cannot collect benefits any longer based on your ex-spouse’s retirement or disability eligibility. You could, however, receive benefits based on your current spouse’s retirement or disability record.

What happens to your Social Security benefits if your ex-spouse dies?

If the unfortunate occurs and your ex-spouse passes away, you may be eligible to receive survivors’ benefits under Social Security. Your ability to receive benefits would be based on your ex-spouse’s earnings record. You can also qualify for a death benefit if your ex-spouse was entitled to receive Social Security benefits. However, the marriage must have lasted at least ten years before your divorce was finalized. You must be at least sixty years old to receive a survivor’s benefit (or between 50 and 60 if you are disabled). You cannot be married, either. Finally, if you are entitled to receive a retirement benefit that is at least 100% of your deceased spouse’s benefit then you cannot receive a survivor’s benefit.

Why is managing risk an important part of a Texas divorce case?

If you face risk in the way of injury or loss of some sort it would make sense to buy insurance to compensate you if that risk turns into a reality. This is why people buy life and health insurance. If you get sick, injured, or pass away, these insurance policies would either compensate a beneficiary or could help you shift the burden of paying for expensive procedures and medication.

When we talk about risk management we are discussing an important topic for people like you who are either contemplating a divorce or are in the beginning stages of a divorce. When a divorce happens you will likely need to update the person who is the beneficiary under a life insurance policy. Your coverage for health insurance may end at the time of your divorce because your policy is through your spouse’s employer.

The impacts of divorce on your health insurance coverage

As I just noted, it is not uncommon for an entire family to have their health insurance provided by a single, employer-provided health insurance policy. If a divorce occurs, however, your coverage may end at some point. You can see out COBRA insurance in the period immediately following the divorce so that you do not have any gaps in your insurance coverage, however.

The impacts of divorce on your life insurance coverage

When getting divorced, consider carefully whom to designate as the beneficiary under your life insurance policy. You might choose to name your children as the sole beneficiaries. In this case, remember that if your kids are under 18 when you die, a probate court will mandate appointing a guardian to manage the funds until they reach 18. However, setting up trust through your will would be a way to get around this.

Alternatively, you may consider naming your ex-spouse as the beneficiary under a life insurance policy. While this idea might not thrill you, it could be mandated in your divorce decree. Life insurance can serve as a mechanism to prevent your ex-spouse from facing financial hardship if spousal maintenance payments cease upon your death. The same applies to child support payments that stop upon your passing.

Let’s look at an example to illustrate this point. Suppose your spouse received $500 per month in spousal maintenance from you after your divorce. If the court ordered you to maintain life insurance (with the proceeds payable to your ex-spouse) for the duration of spousal maintenance, you are obligated to comply.

Interested in learning more about finances and divorce? Head back to our blog tomorrow

We will be posting another blog related to financial issues and divorce in tomorrow’s blog post. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the material that we posted today please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. Our licensed family law attorneys offer free-of-charge consultations six days a week here in our office. These consultations are a great opportunity to have an attorney address your specific needs and answer your questions directly. Thank you for choosing to spend part of your day with us and we hope you will join us again tomorrow.

Estate Planning and Divorce: Navigating the Complexities

When going through a divorce, it’s essential to consider how it can impact your estate plan. Divorce brings about significant changes in your life, including your financial situation, assets, and beneficiaries. Understanding the intersection of estate planning and divorce is crucial to protect yourself, your estate, and your loved ones. In this article, we will explore various subtopics that shed light on the intricacies of estate planning during and after divorce.

Division of Property: Protecting Your Assets

During a divorce in Texas, the division of property is governed by community property laws. These laws dictate that marital property is typically divided equally between spouses. It’s vital to understand how property ownership and transfers are affected by divorce. By exploring equitable distribution and the impact of divorce on property division, you can better protect your assets and ensure a fair outcome.

Retirement Accounts and Pensions: Planning for the Future

Divorce affects your current financial situation and has implications for your retirement. Retirement accounts and pensions are often significant assets subject to division during divorce. Understanding the rules and considerations surrounding the division of 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions, and other retirement assets is crucial. By navigating this subtopic, you can make informed decisions to secure your financial future post-divorce.

Retirement Account/Pension Type

Division Considerations


– Evaluate vested balances and contribution sources.

– Consider tax implications and penalties for early withdrawals.

– Explore options for rollovers or direct transfers to individual accounts.


– Determine the division of contributions and earnings.

– Understand the tax consequences of dividing traditional and Roth IRAs.

– Consider QDROs (Qualified Domestic Relations Orders) for dividing IRAs.


– Assess the pension’s marital portion and applicable formulas.

– Understand the survivor benefits and options available.

– Evaluate the need for a QDRO to divide pension benefits.

Trusts and Estate Planning: Ensuring Protection and Provision

Updating your will is crucial during divorce, but estate planning encompasses much more. Exploring the broader aspects of estate planning and trusts allows you to protect your assets and provide for your children or beneficiaries. By understanding different types of trusts, such as revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts, and special needs trusts, you can create a comprehensive estate plan that aligns with your post-divorce goals.

Business Ownership: Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Continuity

Divorce can significantly impact businesses or professional practices owned by one or both spouses. The division of business assets, valuation methods, and buyout options must be carefully considered to ensure fairness and continuity. By delving into this subtopic, you can navigate the complexities of dividing business assets and understand the potential implications for the operation and future of the business.

Child Custody and Support: Prioritizing Your Children’s Well-Being

Child custody and support issues are paramount considerations in any divorce. Temporary orders, which determine living arrangements, visitation rights, and child support, play a significant role during divorce. Understanding the factors considered in determining custody, child support guidelines, modification of orders, and enforcement mechanisms allows you to protect your children’s best interests and ensure their financial well-being.

Alimony/Spousal Maintenance: Addressing Financial Support

Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is critical to divorce proceedings. Delving into this subtopic provides insights into the factors considered when awarding spousal support, different types of spousal maintenance, duration, modification, and tax implications. By understanding these intricacies, you can navigate the complexities of financial support during and after divorce.

Tax Planning: Mitigating Tax Implications

Divorce has far-reaching tax implications that should not be overlooked. Property division, alimony, child support, capital gains, dependency exemptions, and changes in filing status can significantly impact your tax obligations. Exploring this subtopic helps you understand the tax considerations associated with divorce, enabling you to plan effectively and minimize potential tax burdens.

Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Peaceful Path

When navigating divorce, alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and collaborative divorce offer a peaceful and cooperative approach. Understanding the benefits of these approaches, the role of mediators, and how they can help couples reach mutually acceptable agreements empowers you to explore non-adversarial options and potentially reduce litigation’s emotional and financial toll.

Parental Rights and Responsibilities: Protecting Your Children

Divorce affects parental rights and responsibilities, beyond temporary orders. Decision-making authority, parental relocation, parental alienation, and parental rights termination are critical subtopics to consider. By understanding these aspects, you can protect your children’s well-being and ensure a stable environment for their growth and development.

Post-Divorce Financial Planning: Rebuilding and Moving Forward

After a divorce, it’s crucial to focus on post-divorce financial planning. This subtopic encompasses budgeting, managing debt, rebuilding credit, investment strategies, and setting long-term financial goals. By creating a solid financial plan, you can regain stability, secure your future, and pursue your aspirations after the divorce process concludes.

By exploring these semantically relevant subtopics, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the intersection between estate planning and divorce. Consulting with a legal professional is essential to tailor these concepts to your unique circumstances and ensure compliance with Texas laws. Planning ahead and making informed decisions will provide the peace of mind and financial security you need as you embark on the next chapter of your life.

Conclusion: Your Journey to a Secure Future Begins Now!

Congratulations, dear reader! You’ve reached the end of our exciting adventure through the world of estate planning and divorce. We’ve covered a lot of ground, from property division to retirement accounts, trusts to child custody, and everything in between. But fret not, this isn’t the end of your story. It’s just the beginning!

Short answer: Yes, estate planning and divorce go hand in hand, and understanding their intricate dance is crucial for protecting your assets and loved ones.

Now armed with knowledge and a touch of swagger, you’re ready to confidently tackle the twists and turns of estate planning. You know how to safeguard your hard-earned assets, navigate the complexities of business ownership, and ensure your children’s well-being remains the top priority. You’ve unlocked the secrets of tax planning, explored alternative dispute resolution methods, and discovered the wonders of post-divorce financial planning.

But let’s not forget the most important lesson of all: estate planning is not just about legal documents and financial strategies. It’s about crafting a legacy, preserving the things that matter most, and securing a promising future.

Embracing Estate Planning as a Continuous Journey

So, as you embark on this new chapter of your life, remember that estate planning is a journey, not a destination. It’s a continuous process that evolves with you, your family, and your ever-changing circumstances. Seek guidance from trusted professionals, adapt your plans as needed, and always keep your loved ones at the heart of every decision.

Now, dear reader, it’s time to spread your wings and embark on this exciting adventure. Take what you’ve learned, apply it to your own unique situation, and create a future that’s as vibrant and secure as you deserve.

Remember, you have the power to shape your destiny, protect what’s important, and leave a lasting legacy. So, go forth with confidence, embrace the complexities of estate planning and divorce, and craft a future that’s truly remarkable. Your journey to a secure future begins now!

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