
How Much Will My Texas Divorce Cost?

The Price of Divorce in Texas: How Much Is The Cost?

One of the most burning questions that echo through the halls of divorce consults is undoubted, “How much is my divorce going to cost me?” It’s a reasonable question that weighs heavy on the minds of those navigating the treacherous waters of divorce.

And yet, despite its prevalence, there’s no easy answer. As the saying goes, “nobody knows for certain.” But fear not! As a seasoned divorce lawyer, I’ve picked up a few tricks of the trade, and today I’m here to shed some light on the divorce costs in Texas.

Factors That Affect How Much a Texas Divorce Costs

Let’s start with three fundamental principles that I impart to my clients time and time again:

  1. The more you fight, the more it will cost: It’s no secret that contentious divorces can drain your bank account faster than you can say “irreconcilable differences.” Each battle waged in the courtroom racks up billable hours, driving up the cost of your divorce.
  2. You will probably spend as much as your spouse: Divorce is a two-way street, my friends. As much as you may hope to minimize your expenses, chances are your spouse will have a say in that matter. Their actions and choices during the divorce process can significantly impact the final price tag.
  3. Based on what you’re telling me, I can give you a fairly accurate guesstimate: During our initial consultation, I’ll carefully listen to your circumstances and estimate based on your shared information. However, keep in mind that as we dive deeper into the divorce process and gain insights into your ex-spouse’s actions, we may need to update that estimate along the way.

I’ve witnessed cases that seemed destined for financial ruin, only to surprise everyone involved by settling amicably at a fraction of the expected cost. On the other hand, there have been instances where couples with limited resources spent a significant portion of their assets fighting tooth and nail throughout the divorce proceedings.

At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, we understand the need for transparency. When you consult with us, we’ll provide you with a quote tailored to your specific circumstances, as discussed with your attorney.

Agreement or Trial? The Two Paths of Divorce

The cost of your divorce in Texas hinges on the ability of both parties to find common ground. In the Lone Star State, two primary routes to dissolve a marriage are reaching an agreement or proceeding to trial. Divorce lawyers, attorneys, and their diligent staff bill on an hourly basis for the time devoted to your case. To give you a visual representation, let’s walk through a typical divorce case flowchart that highlights where your hard-earned money is allocated throughout the process.

1. Mediation on Temporary Orders: In the early stages of the divorce process, temporary orders are often established to address immediate matters such as child custody and spousal support. Mediation plays a vital role in reaching agreements, and its costs are typically lower compared to other stages.

2. Temporary Orders: Temporary orders hearings delve into more detailed arrangements, including child support, visitation schedules, and property division. This stage may involve additional hearings or subparts, which can contribute to the overall cost.

3. Mediation on Final: As we move closer to finalizing the divorce, mediation sessions aim to resolve any remaining disputes, ensuring a smoother transition to the next stage.

4. Trial: When all else fails, and disputes remain unresolved, the case may proceed to trial, where a judge will decide on matters that the parties couldn’t settle themselves. Trials demand extensive preparation and courtroom time, significantly impacting the final cost.

It’s crucial to note that at each stage of the divorce process, there is an opportunity to settle and avoid escalating to the next stage. Early settlement can save you a significant amount of money compared to protracted litigation battles.

Estimated Costs of a Texas Divorce

The Price of Divorce: How Much Is The Cost?

Now, let’s talk numbers. From my experience, each of the four stages outlined above can cost approximately $3,500-$5,500. However, remember that these figures are not set in stone and can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the specific circumstances involved.

To provide a broader perspective, I sought research beyond my own observations. According to a July 30, 2013 article in the Huffington Post, divorce costs ranged from $15,000 to $20,000. A 2006 article on Forbes.com cited figures between $15,000 and $30,000.

Furthermore, a nationwide survey conducted by Nolo suggested costs ranging from $5,000 to $34,000. These findings align closely with my own observations, ranging from $3,500 to $22,000, depending on the intricacies of each case.

Divorces Can Be Very Expensive: Fact or Fiction?

Divorce has long been the subject of jokes, with wisecracks about its hefty price tag circulating in popular culture. I’ve always had a soft spot for one particular joke that goes, “Why does divorce cost so much? Because it’s worth it.” While it may elicit a chuckle, it speaks to the reality that divorces can be expensive.

I’ve had the opportunity to work on divorces where the legal fees on both sides skyrocketed into the hundreds of thousands. Famous examples from popular culture demonstrate the astronomical costs that can arise in high-profile divorces. Take Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey, whose divorce settlement was estimated at a staggering $150 million. And let’s not forget the eye-popping $100 million divorce between Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving or the $85 million parting of ways between Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison.

What You’re Paying for in a Texas Divorce

Here’s the kicker made active: The total cost of a divorce isn’t just your attorney’s legal fees. It includes various components:

  • Attorney Fees: Your legal team, including your attorney, paralegals, and law clerks, charges for their time and expertise.
  • Expert Analysis Costs: Your case may require the involvement of forensic accountants, business valuation experts, child custody evaluators, therapists, real estate appraisers, and tax advisors, each with their own fees, depending on your situation’s complexity.
  • Filing Fees: To initiate your divorce, the court charges filing fees, typically between $300 and $400.
  • Process Server Hiring Cost: Expect additional expenses for hiring a process server to deliver legal documents to the opposing party.
  • Deposition Expenses: Depositions, where testimonies are taken under oath outside the courtroom, involve fees for court reporters and related services.
  • Subpoena and Document Costs: If subpoenaing bank records or other crucial documents is necessary, you’ll be responsible for the associated costs.

Remember, your attorney will give you an itemized bill detailing all your case-related expenses, ensuring you understand the financial breakdown comprehensively.

Family Law Cases: Billed by the Hour

Regarding the cost of your divorce, the legal counsel you choose plays a significant role. Attorneys bill not only for their own time but also for the time invested by other attorneys and staff members working on your case. At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, we have several attorneys available, each billed at different hourly rates ranging from $175 to $350 per hour. This flexibility allows us to pair your case with an attorney who aligns with your budgetary needs. Additionally, paralegals and law clerks contribute to the overall bill at rates ranging from $100 to $150 per hour.

It’s essential to be mindful that every moment you spend with your attorney, whether in person or on the phone, is billable time. So, while you’re sipping coffee in your lawyer’s office or discussing your case, remember that each minute counts towards the cost.

A retainer is a substantial upfront payment you make to your divorce attorney. Often regarded as prepaid legal fees or a down payment, this retainer allows your attorney to deduct their hourly rate as they earn it.

When the retainer balance falls below a certain level, you will need to top it up. In ongoing or trial-bound cases, multiple replenishments of the retainer may be necessary.

Typically, retainers range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars, with the exact amount varying based on your case’s complexity and your attorney’s experience level.

In Texas, divorce or family law case retainers usually range from $2,500 to $15,000. More complex cases involving divorce or child custody may require a down payment of $25,000 or more.

During your initial consultation, you will receive a quote for the retainer, which will also be detailed in your fee agreement. At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, we treat retainer fees as a deposit for your divorce costs, billing against your retainer as needed.

Any unused portion of your retainer will be refunded to you. However, it’s important to note that a retainer typically does not cover the full cost of a divorce, so you will likely need to replenish it throughout your case.

Divorce Financing and Payment Plans

At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, we try and work with clients on paying their legal fees by offering payment plans.

An example of how our payment plans work is as follows:

Retainer Amount

Payment Plans for

Senior Attorney

Payment Pan for

Junior Attorney


$5,000 and $1,000 a month

$2,500 and $500 a month

In this example the potential client has three options:

  1. The potential client can pay the full $10,000 down and have no monthly payments
  2. Alternatively, they could elect to pay $5,000 down and $1,000 a month or
  3. They would work with a Junior attorney for $2,500 down and $500 a month

Can I Make my Spouse Pay for my Attorney Fees?

The Price of Divorce: How Much Is The Cost?

In most cases, you will pay your own legal fees. Generally, unless there is a clear income disparity between you and your spouse, you each will pay your own attorneys’ fees and court costs. However, if there is an income disparity, courts will sometimes “equalize” attorneys’ fees at the temporary orders hearing.

Examples of a disparity of income include:

  1. One party in control of the family finances or if
  2. One party has raided the joint bank account and left the other party with no money

Things that Can Affect the Cost of a Divorce

  1. Do you have minor children?
  2. Retirement Plans Between Spouses
  3. Have you or your spouse committed Fault?
  4. Are you or your spouse financially dependent on each other
  5. Do you have a family-owned business or professional Practice?
  6. Are there substantial Marital Assets?
  7. The Complexity of the Case
  8. Going to Trial


People usually fight in the most contentious cases I have seen, which often involve children. This can significantly increase the cost of the divorce, even when there are no other contested issues.

For instance, your divorce can become expensive if both you and your spouse fight to become the “primary conservator.” In divorces where children are a contentious issue, it’s common for a Judge to appoint an attorney, known as an Amicus, to represent the children.

The Amicus attorney represents neither you nor your spouse; instead, a Judge appoints them to look out for the children’s “best interest.” Both you and your spouse are responsible for paying this attorney. In a case where I worked with an appointed Amicus for our client, the Amicus cost an additional $50,000. Although in most cases I’ve worked on, the cost hasn’t been nearly as high, it does show what is possible.

Going to Trial

Some of the most expensive divorces in Texas are the ones that goes to trial. Part of this is because your case will probably have been mediated multiple times, gone through the discovery process, and had a Temporary Orders Hearing.

Then on top of those things your case will likely need several additional hours preparing for a courtroom battle.

Filing a for Fault in a Divorce

In Texas, when divorce paperwork is filed to start the case, there is an option to file either Fault or no fault.

In a no-fault divorce in Texas the ground you cite is “insupportability,” which means you no longer wish to be married to your spouse.

However, you can choose to file in Texas for one of the following fault grounds:

  1. living apart
  2. confinement in a mental hospital
  3. cruelty
  4. Abandonment
  5. Conviction of a felony and
  6. adultery

In Texas, you can ask the court to give you a divorce because it was somebody’s Fault. If Fault is proven, then when a court gives a divorce for “grounds,” a court may give more of the community property to the “innocent” spouse.

Other Factors Affecting the Cost of a Divorce

When it comes to divorce, several factors can contribute to the overall cost. Understanding these elements will help you gauge the potential expenses involved. Let’s take a closer look at some of the main factors affecting the cost of a divorce in Texas:

  1. Complexity of Assets and Property Division: The process can become more time-consuming and costly if you and your spouse have a complex financial situation with numerous assets and properties to divide.
  2. Child Custody and Support Issues: Disputes over child custody and support can prolong divorce and increase legal fees.
  3. Alimony or Spousal Support: If alimony or spousal support is contentious, it can contribute to higher costs as negotiations or court proceedings may be necessary.
  4. High-Conflict Divorces: Divorces involving high levels of conflict tend to require more attorney involvement and legal proceedings, resulting in higher costs.
  5. Disputed Financial Matters: Disagreements regarding financial matters such as property division, debt allocation, or hidden assets can lead to increased expenses due to the need for investigation and legal action.
  6. Disputed Child-Related Issues: Contentious disputes over child custody, visitation schedules, or parenting plans often require the involvement of experts, such as child custody evaluators or therapists, adding to the overall cost.
  7. Disputed Fault Grounds for Divorce: If fault grounds for divorce are involved, such as adultery or cruelty, the legal proceedings can become more complex and costly.
  8. Disputed Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreements: Challenging the validity or terms of a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can result in extended litigation, leading to higher legal fees.

Exploring Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

In some cases, divorcing couples can opt for alternative dispute resolution methods, potentially reducing costs compared to a full-blown trial. These methods include:

Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods


Collaborative Divorce

Both parties and their respective attorneys work together to negotiate a settlement outside of the courtroom. This process encourages open communication and aims to find mutually beneficial solutions.


A neutral mediator facilitates discussions between the parties to help them reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Mediation can be a cost-effective and less adversarial approach to resolving disputes, allowing for more control over the outcome.


Parties present their case to an arbitrator who acts as a neutral third party. The arbitrator reviews the evidence and makes a binding decision, similar to a judge. This process can be faster and more flexible than traditional litigation.

Negotiated Settlements

Parties, often with the assistance of their attorneys, negotiate and reach a settlement through direct discussions or correspondence. This method allows for customization and can be more efficient and cost-effective than going to court.

Choosing one of these alternative methods can save both time and money, as they typically involve fewer court appearances and less adversarial processes.

The Role of Professionals in Divorce Cases

During a divorce, various professionals may become involved to provide specialized expertise. These professionals can include:

  • Forensic Accountants: Forensic accountants help uncover hidden assets, evaluate complex financial situations, and provide expert testimony regarding financial matters.
  • Business Valuation Experts: In cases involving family-owned businesses or professional practices, business valuation experts can assess the value of these assets for equitable division.
  • Child Custody Evaluators: Child custody evaluators assess the best interests of the child, considering factors such as living arrangements, parental fitness, and the child’s preferences.
  • Therapists or Counselors for Children: When children are involved, therapists or counselors can provide necessary support and evaluate their emotional well-being throughout the divorce process.
  • Real Estate Appraisers: Real estate appraisers can assess the value of properties to facilitate equitable distribution.
  • Tax Advisors: Tax advisors help navigate the complex tax implications of divorce, including property division and alimony issues.
  • Social Workers or Family Specialists: Social workers or family specialists can provide counseling and support services to assist families in managing the emotional challenges of divorce.

Involving these professionals can add to the overall cost of a divorce, but their expertise is often crucial in resolving complex issues and ensuring the best possible outcome.

Understanding Hidden Costs in a Divorce

The Price of Divorce: How Much Is The Cost?

Beyond the obvious legal fees, there are additional hidden costs associated with divorce that are important to consider:

  1. Hidden Assets and Financial Disclosure Issues: Uncovering hidden assets may require hiring forensic accountants or other experts, increasing the overall cost.
  2. Post-Divorce Financial Planning: Restructuring your finances and planning for your financial future after divorce may involve consulting with financial advisors or experts, which comes with its own expenses.
  3. Relocation Costs for One or Both Spouses: If either spouse plans to relocate after the divorce, there may be associated moving costs or expenses related to finding a new home or job.
  4. Counseling or Therapy Expenses: Divorce can take an emotional toll, and seeking counseling or therapy services for yourself or your children may incur additional costs.
  5. Changes in Healthcare or Insurance Coverage: After divorce, you may need to secure new health insurance or make changes to existing coverage, which could result in increased premiums or out-of-pocket expenses.

Taking these hidden costs into account will give you a more realistic picture of the financial implications of your divorce.

The overall cost of a Texas divorce can be affected by legal considerations and procedures, which you should be aware of:

  • Temporary Orders and Their Costs: Early in the divorce process, you may establish temporary orders like child custody arrangements or spousal support. These orders can lead to hearings and legal fees.
  • Discovery Process and Associated Expenses: During the discovery process, each party can gather information and evidence from the other. This involves document requests, depositions, and other steps that incur costs.
  • Depositions and Court Reporting Fees: Taking depositions, which are sworn testimonies outside of court, may require court reporters and transcript fees.
  • Expert Witness Fees and Their Impact on Costs: You might need expert witnesses, such as forensic accountants or child custody evaluators, who will charge for their time and expertise.
  • Court Filing Fees and Service Costs: Consider the filing fees for starting or responding to divorce actions and the costs of serving legal documents to the other party.
  • Subpoenaing Documents and Related Expenses: Subpoenaing documents can add to your expenses if they’re not provided willingly.

By understanding these considerations and their associated costs, you can better navigate the divorce process and plan effectively.

Unique Factors in Texas Divorce Cases

Texas has its own specific laws and regulations that influence the divorce process. Some unique factors to consider include:

  1. Specific Texas Laws and Regulations: Familiarizing yourself with Texas family law statutes and procedures will give you a better understanding of the legal framework within which your divorce will take place.
  2. Community Property Division Rules: Texas follows community property principles, which means that marital assets and debts are generally divided equally between spouses. Understanding the implications of community property can impact financial negotiations.
  3. Spousal Maintenance Guidelines in Texas: Texas has specific guidelines for determining spousal maintenance (alimony). Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to better understand the potential financial obligations.
  4. Child Custody and Visitation Laws in Texas: Texas law considers the child’s best interests when determining custody and visitation arrangements. Understanding these laws will help you navigate child-related issues more effectively.

Being aware of these unique factors will allow you to make informed decisions throughout the divorce process.

The Impact of Fault Grounds in a Divorce

In Texas, divorce can be filed on both fault and no-fault grounds. While most divorces in Texas are filed under the no-fault ground of “in supportability,” fault grounds can have implications on the divorce process, including the potential division of property and spousal support.

Some fault grounds recognized in Texas include living apart, confinement in a mental hospital, cruelty, abandonment, conviction of a felony, and adultery. If fault is proven, it may impact the division of community property and potentially favor the “innocent” spouse.

Understanding the potential effects of fault grounds will allow you to make informed decisions about the grounds on which you choose to file for divorce.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Divorce

Divorce is not just a legal process but also an emotional journey. Managing the psychological and emotional aspects of divorce is crucial for your well-being and the well-being of your children. Some important considerations include:

  • Coping with the Emotional Toll of Divorce: Divorce can be emotionally challenging, and seeking support from therapists, counselors, or support groups can help you navigate this difficult period.
  • Co-Parenting and Child Adjustment Issues: Minimizing the impact of divorce on children requires effective co-parenting, open communication, and considering the child’s best interests.
  • Counseling or Therapy Options for Individuals and Families: Individual or family counseling can provide a safe space to process emotions, improve communication, and develop coping strategies.

Recognizing and addressing divorce’s psychological and emotional aspects is essential for a healthier transition into the post-divorce phase.

Case Studies or Examples of Notable Divorce Settlements

The Price of Divorce: How Much Is The Cost?

Analyzing notable divorce cases can provide insights into high-profile divorces’ potential costs and complexities. While the following examples are not specific to Texas, they illustrate the significant financial implications of divorce:

  • High-Net-Worth Divorce Cases: Examples such as Jeff Bezos’ divorce from MacKenzie Scott, which reportedly resulted in a multi-billion-dollar settlement, highlight the complexities and high costs involved in dividing substantial assets.
  • Influential Court Rulings or Precedents: Examining significant court rulings related to divorce settlements can provide a better understanding of how legal decisions can impact the financial outcomes of a divorce.
  • Notable Celebrity Divorces and Their Costs: Celebrity divorces, such as the high-profile divorces of individuals like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, often involve substantial legal fees and complex financial negotiations.

While these cases may not directly reflect the average cost of a Texas divorce, they serve as examples of the potential financial stakes involved in high-profile or high-net-worth divorces.

Unveiling the Truth: How Much Will Your Texas Divorce Cost? Let’s Wrap It Up!

As we’ve learned, the cost of your divorce is a composite number, encompassing attorney fees, expert analysis, filing fees, process server costs, deposition expenses, and any other relevant expenses specific to your case. It’s a comprehensive package that itemizes every aspect, leaving no stone unturned.

Remember that each case is unique, and while we’ve provided fee ranges and insights, your specific circumstances may deviate. But fear not, for you are not alone. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, and other legal professionals are here to guide you every step of the way.

With a solid understanding of the intricate dance between attorney fees, filing costs, and the many other components that shape the financial landscape of your divorce, you can confidently make informed decisions.


Adobe Stock 62844981[2]If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce

Divorce Wasting Assets[4] If you want to know more about how to prepare, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Divorce

What should I do immediately after divorce?

After a divorce, it is important to take several steps to protect your interests:

  • Update your legal documents, such as your will, power of attorney, and healthcare proxy.
  • Change your beneficiaries on life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other relevant financial accounts.
  • Review and adjust your budget to reflect your new financial situation.
  • Notify relevant parties, such as banks, credit card companies, and utility providers, of your change in marital status.
  • Consider seeking emotional support or counseling to help navigate the transition.

Why is divorce so expensive?

Divorce can be expensive due to several factors:

  • Legal fees: Hiring an attorney and other professionals involved in the process.
  • Complexity of the case: Disputes over property division, child custody, and alimony can require additional time and resources.
  • Expert fees: If the case requires the expertise of professionals like appraisers or forensic accountants.
  • Court costs: Filing fees and other expenses related to court proceedings.
  • Trial expenses: Costs associated with presenting your case in court, including preparation and representation.

Can I get a divorce online in Texas?

Yes, you can get a divorce online in Texas. However, it is important to note that online divorce services typically only provide document preparation assistance, not legal representation. It is advisable to consult with an experienced divorce attorney to ensure your rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

Do you get half of everything in a divorce in Texas?

In Texas, community property laws apply, which means that marital property is generally divided equally between spouses. However, this does not necessarily mean a 50/50 split of every asset and debt. The division of property depends on various factors, including the length of the marriage, earning capacity, and individual circumstances. The court aims to achieve a fair and just division based on these factors.

How long does a simple divorce take in Texas?

The time it takes to complete a simple divorce in Texas can vary depending on several factors, including court schedules and the complexity of the case. Typically, a simple uncontested divorce without significant disputes can be finalized within a few months. However, it is important to consult with an attorney to get a better understanding of the specific timeline for your case.

How much does a wife get after divorce in Texas?

In Texas, the division of property and assets is based on community property laws. Generally, each spouse is entitled to an equitable share of the community property acquired during the marriage. The specific amount a wife (or husband) receives after divorce depends on various factors, including the length of the marriage, earning capacity, contributions to the marriage, and individual circumstances. It is important to consult with a divorce attorney to understand how these factors may apply to your situation.

Categories: Family Law, Divorce

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