Anticipate What Your Narcissist Spouse Will Do Concerning Your Texas Divorce

Divorce is never a walk in the park, but what happens when you add a dash of narcissism to the mix? Buckle up, my friend, because you’re about to embark on a rollercoaster ride like no other. We’ve all heard tales of the self-obsessed partner who turns even the simplest divorce proceedings into a dramatic saga worthy of Hollywood. But fear not, for we’ve got your back! This blog post’ll delve deep into the stages of divorcing a narcissist. We’ll expose their manipulative tactics, unravel the challenges of co-parenting with an ego-driven ex, and arm you with strategies to safeguard your hard-earned assets.

Oh, and did I mention we’ll spill the tea on how to maintain your sanity throughout the process? Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?

Short Answer: Divorcing a narcissist is a unique battle, but fret not! We’ve got the ultimate guide to help you navigate the stormy waters and emerge triumphant. Keep reading to unmask the narcissist, protect your sanity, and secure the best outcome for yourself.

Reasons to Keep Reading:

  1. Real-Life Anecdotes: Brace yourself for captivating stories that will make you nod your head in recognition or leave you gasping in disbelief. We’ll share relatable tales that shed light on the wild antics of narcissistic ex-spouses during divorce proceedings.
  2. Practical Tips and Strategies: Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to tackle every challenge head-on. From setting boundaries to documenting evidence, we’ll equip you with practical strategies to navigate the narcissistic maze.
  3. Expert Guidance: Discover the importance of building a strong support network, seeking professional help, and understanding legal strategies specific to divorcing a narcissist. We’ll provide insights from experienced attorneys and therapists who have walked alongside countless individuals on this tumultuous journey.
  4. Protecting Your Children: Divorce affects not only you but also your children. Learn how to shield them from the toxic influence of a narcissistic parent, promote their well-being, and ensure their voices are heard throughout the process.
  5. A Brighter Future: When the storm finally subsides, it’s time to rebuild your life and move forward. We’ll explore the path to healing, self-discovery, and establishing healthier relationships after divorcing a narcissistic spouse.

So, fasten your seatbelt, dear reader, because we’re about to embark on an eye-opening adventure into the world of divorcing a narcissist. Get ready to conquer the challenges, protect your assets, and emerge as the hero of your own story. Let’s unmask the narcissist and reclaim your freedom!

Unmasking the Narcissist: Your Guide to Conquering the Wild Ride of Divorce

Let’s assume a hypothetical situation to begin today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. You and your spouse were married for 18 years before you asked for a divorce. The marriage had been struggling for some time and you and your spouse had been drifting apart from one another. The reasons for that drifting apart could be many, or it could be just a few. The fact the remains that you both are headed towards a divorce.

Your conversations have gone from loving to civil to verbal assaults. You have brought up the idea of getting a divorce and he did not try to push back from that idea. You’ve decided to hire an attorney and take the plunge into getting a divorce. You found out right off the bat that getting a divorce was not as simple as you may have thought it would be. Friends and family made it out to be difficult but not super stressful. However, that has been anything but your experience.

While the early stages of the divorce have developed, your husband has shifted from being aggressive with name-calling and other verbal assaults to be extremely kind, too generous with money and back again to being distant and hard to talk to. You didn’t know how to feel or even how to approach your soon to be ex-spouse. A man you had previously considered only self-centered was becoming someone you have no idea how to handle.

The importance of knowing the challenges facing you when divorcing a narcissist

You knew that getting a divorce would be tough but you didn’t know that your spouse would make it even more difficult on you. You haven’t even been to mediation for temporary orders and it feels like the case is never going to end. Being frustrated and anxious about the process is made worse when your spouse is equal parts apologetic and antagonistic towards you. The concern here is that your narcissistic spouse could turn on the charm and convince their attorney, a judge, a mediator and maybe even you that he deserves a better outcome in this divorce than he is entitled to.

Narcissists use their persuasive powers to attempt to discredit you

For instance, if your husband was able to convince you to do things during your marriage for an outcome that was desirable but has now turned into a nightmare, that circumstance could be used against you. If you and he signed up for a business loan from your credit union to expand his HVAC business, but the loan has gone unpaid because of problems with income then that business loan may end up being partially your responsibility. As a result, your spouse could argue that you were wrong to encourage him to get the loan, thus placing responsibility for its unpaid principal at your feet.

Watch for attempts to project attention away from bad conduct of the narcissist

Next, you should be aware that narcissists often project upon you accusations that in actuality apply to themselves. Consider the shock that you would experience if you saw in your husband’s counterpetition for divorce that he is accusing you of having an affair. Adultery is a serious accusation to level at someone in a divorce. His “proof” may be scant or completely fabricated, but he is nonetheless making those allegations. The fact of the matter is that he is likely to have engaged in adulterous acts during your marriage and is merely attempting to cover those up by shifting attention onto you.

Watch for arguments that attempt to divert your attention from important matters

Shifting attention away from himself and onto you is often done by going on tirades against you, the legal system, your family or other issues in your husband’s life. Remember that a narcissist cannot accept responsibility for their actions or their state in life. Everything wrong in the narcissist’s life is caused by someone else. These tirades could involve relatively minor issues or sidetrack your divorce entirely due to their being about something major.

I have had divorce cases get delayed for months and months because a narcissist opposing party would not agree to simple steps that could have ended a divorce. For example, I had a divorce case a few years ago where the opposing spouse would not agree to have a piece of land appraised. We had lined up three appraisers and would have been happy for one to be used.

However, the opposing spouse would not agree to pick one. We would hear from his lawyer and the party directly that we were not going about the appraisal the “right way” and that ultimately we were going to cost him a lot of money. He had no basis to say these things but he did so to delay the divorce. Ultimately we had to seek a court order that forced the property to be appraised despite the opposing husband’s protests that it should not.

Take every seemingly positive act by the narcissist with a grain of salt

Whether it is allowing you to have an extra weekend with your child during the divorce, telling you that you can have an expensive item out of your community estate or doing anything else that could be termed as charitable or magnanimous, you should look at everything that your spouse does with an eye of caution. It would be asking you a lot for you to go through your entire divorce suspicious of everything that your spouse is doing but unfortunately, that may be the position that you are in.

I am saying this because gifts and nice gestures never come from a good place when the giver of the gift is a narcissist. Remember: you are not the center of their universe, he or she is the center of their universe. All roads lead to him or her, the planets in their solar system revolve around them like the sun. They are the focal point of every discussion. If you receive a gesture from the narcissist that could otherwise be interpreted as generous, just wait a day or two. It wouldn’t be surprising to find out that there was an ulterior motive in play.

Be prepared to drown in the paper during your divorce from a narcissist

Narcissists are always on the move. These folks will convince their attorneys that mountains of motions, requests, hearings, and other procedural delays are necessary before the divorce ends. Ultimately if your spouse has engaged in bad behavior during your marriage and you have proof of that bad behavior, it will have to come out. Your spouse (through common sense or the discovery process) will have already figured that out.

Instead of attempting to negotiate with you to avoid what would likely be a less than desirable outcome in a trial, your narcissist spouse may attempt to drown you with paperwork and other issues that will delay the trial. If you already have a trial date set a request for a continuance may happen. Delays in selecting a mediator can occur as well. Your attorney may find that your spouse’s attorney is not as easy to get a hold of as she once was.

The frustrating part about this is that rather than choosing the path that will result in a quicker and juster outcome, your spouse has chosen a route that will take more time and will cost more money. Remember that you must pay your attorney to sort through all of the motions and delay tactics your spouse is issuing out. Maybe he is comfortable adding credit card debt onto his already existing pile of debt, but you should not be. Talk to your attorney about your options. You may find that a hearing in front of the judge to address these delay tactics will nip these actions in the bud.

Narcissists are not above methods of intimidation

You may find that your spouse will attempt to intimidate you through bullying. Whatever end goal your spouse has will be justified by the methods that they employ to achieve that goal- at least in their mind.

For instance, many people find that their friends and family have to choose a side during divorce. If you find that your friends and family are starting to give you the cold shoulder it could be because your ex-spouse is bad-mouthing you in front of those folks. The more isolated you become the idea would be that you would be much more willing to strike a deal favorable to your spouse. You can give in to your spouse’s demands or attempt to reach out to friends and family to set them straight. Stand strong early in your divorce, allowing you to do so later on.

Do not let noncommunication break your will during the divorce

The narcissist will assume that you will exhibit co-dependent characteristics during your divorce and will want you to show that he is charged by communicating solely on his terms. An example of how he will get you to do this is by not speaking to you until he is good and ready. Suppose that you have been trying to speak to your spouse for a week about an issue with your child or a settlement offer. If you cannot reach your ex-spouse, you will likely feel frustrated and eventually cave into what he wants to do.

If things get awkward where your spouse will not look at you during visitation exchanges with your child, or ignores you in court, or otherwise makes you feel alienated, it is up to you how you react. You can remember that this is temporary and all a part of his plan. Choose to do what you think is best for your child and yourself and stand firm on your positions. Or, you can give in to the awkwardness, choose to see it his way and do whatever he wants concerning your case. It is up to you. You are in control over yourself.

Twisting events around to put him in a favorable light

There are likely a story or two about your ex-spouse that he knows happened, you know happened and you both know are going to come up in your divorce. Whether it is something that relates to money, your children or your relationship, if your narcissist spouse acted inappropriately in the past then it would make sense that you would want to bring this to a court’s attention.

A potential problem arises when this spouse wants to turn that event around and make it seem like you were the spouse who acted inappropriately or you were the spouse who created the scene from whole cloth. Make sure you have your evidence ready to show that an incident involving family violence occurred in the manner you contend. If not, don’t be surprised to find that your spouse denies the situation ever occurred and that you were the instigator.

More questions on narcissists and divorce? Join us tomorrow

If you have additional questions about narcissists and divorce, please join us tomorrow as we continue to write about this subject. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Texas family law please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. Our licensed family law attorneys offer free of charge consultations six days a week here in our office. These consultations are a great opportunity to learn more about your case and receive direct feedback about your circumstances.

We represent clients just like you in courts throughout southeast Texas and do so with great pride. Our goal is to provide superior service to clients in advocating for their rights in the courtroom and placing their interests at the forefront of our representation.

Recognizing Manipulative Tactics

When divorcing a narcissist, it is crucial to recognize the manipulative tactics they may employ to control and manipulate their partners. Gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and playing the victim are common strategies used by narcissistic spouses during a divorce. Gaslighting involves distorting reality and making the victim doubt their own perception of events. Guilt-tripping aims to make the victim feel responsible for the marital problems, even when it’s not the case. Playing the victim allows the narcissist to garner sympathy and deflect blame onto the other party.

Co-Parenting Challenges

Co-parenting with a narcissistic spouse presents unique difficulties. Narcissists often prioritize their own needs and desires over those of the children, disregarding their well-being. They may lack empathy and fail to consider the impact of their behavior on the children. Setting clear boundaries becomes crucial in these situations to protect the children and ensure their best interests are met. Establishing a solid parenting plan and seeking legal guidance is essential to navigate the complexities of co-parenting with a narcissistic ex-spouse.

Protecting Your Assets

When divorcing a narcissist, protecting your financial resources becomes paramount. Narcissistic spouses may attempt to hide or undervalue assets, engage in financial manipulation, or use money as a tool for control. It is crucial to gather evidence of all marital assets and financial transactions to ensure an equitable division of property. Seeking the assistance of financial professionals and experienced divorce attorneys can provide guidance in safeguarding your assets and advocating for your financial rights.

Building a Support Network

Dealing with a narcissistic spouse during a divorce can be emotionally challenging and isolating. Narcissists often employ tactics of isolation and alienation to control and manipulate their partners. Building a strong support network of friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional validation, guidance, and a safe space to share experiences. Surrounding yourself with individuals who understand the dynamics of divorcing a narcissist can offer much-needed support and encouragement throughout the process.

Documenting Evidence

Documentation is crucial when divorcing a narcissistic spouse. Keeping a thorough record of incidents, abusive messages, neglectful parenting instances, or financial misconduct can serve as evidence in court proceedings. Documenting the narcissistic spouse’s behavior helps establish patterns and supports your claims. It is essential to maintain organized records, including dates, times, and specific details of each incident, ensuring the accuracy and credibility of the evidence presented.

Types of EvidenceImportance
Abusive MessagesHigh
Neglectful Parenting InstancesMedium
Financial MisconductHigh
Other IncidentsLow

Setting Boundaries and Self-Care

Establishing clear boundaries with a narcissistic spouse is vital for protecting your well-being during divorce. Narcissists often push boundaries, manipulate emotions, and engage in power struggles. Setting and enforcing boundaries helps maintain emotional stability and minimizes the impact of the narcissistic behavior. Prioritizing self-care is equally important. Engaging in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as therapy, exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies, can help alleviate stress and maintain resilience throughout the challenging divorce journey.

Seeking Professional Help

Navigating the emotional and psychological challenges of divorcing a narcissistic spouse often requires professional assistance. Therapy or counseling can provide invaluable support in developing coping strategies, rebuilding self-esteem, and gaining clarity in the midst of the divorce turmoil. Experienced therapists can help individuals process their emotions, heal from the emotional abuse inflicted by the narcissistic spouse, and regain their sense of self. Seeking professional help is an investment in one’s emotional well-being and future growth.

The Impact on Children

Divorcing a narcissistic spouse can have a profound impact on children involved. Narcissistic parents may engage in parental alienation, emotionally manipulate the children, or involve them in conflicts. Shielding children from such harmful behaviors becomes a priority. Providing a stable and supportive environment for the children, ensuring open communication, and seeking professional help when necessary can help mitigate the negative effects of divorcing a narcissistic spouse on children. Focusing on their well-being and offering unconditional love and support is paramount.

Navigating the legal aspects of divorcing a narcissistic spouse requires careful consideration and informed strategies. Working with experienced attorneys who understand narcissistic behaviors can provide significant advantages. They can guide you through filing protective orders if necessary, advocate for the children’s best interests in custody battles, and ensure a fair division of assets. Building a strong legal team is crucial in combating the manipulation and tactics employed by narcissistic spouses during the divorce process.

Moving Forward After Divorce

Healing and rebuilding life after divorcing a narcissistic spouse require intentional steps and self-reflection. Focusing on personal growth, establishing healthy boundaries in future relationships, and seeking closure and healing from the past are vital. Engaging in self-care activities, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and pursuing new passions and goals can facilitate healing. It is essential to prioritize self-love, forgiveness, and inner strength as you move forward and create a brighter future for yourself.


Phew! You’ve made it to the end of this wild ride, my fellow warrior! You’ve armed yourself with the knowledge and strategies to conquer the narcissistic storm and emerge stronger than ever. Remember, you are not alone in this battle. Countless others have faced the trials of divorcing a narcissist and come out victorious, and so will you.

As you embark on the journey ahead, remember that self-care is your secret weapon. Take time to pamper yourself, indulge in hobbies that bring you joy, and surround yourself with positive influences. You deserve it! And whenever doubt creeps in, remember your incredible strength throughout this process.

But let’s not forget our noble mission: to unmask the narcissist. By sharing your experiences and knowledge, you become a beacon of hope for others navigating the tumultuous seas of divorcing a self-absorbed spouse. Your story can inspire and empower those who may feel lost or overwhelmed.

Short Answer: Divorcing a narcissist is a challenging adventure, but armed with knowledge and resilience, you can conquer any obstacle and emerge as the hero of your own story.

So, my brave friend, go forth and thrive! Embrace the freedom that comes with leaving behind the narcissistic chaos. Focus on personal growth, establish healthy boundaries, and surround yourself with love and positivity. Remember, you are stronger than you realize, and your future holds infinite possibilities.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we wish you nothing but success and happiness as you navigate the stages of divorcing a narcissist. You’ve got this, and we’re cheering you on every step of the way. Unmask the narcissist, reclaim your power, and embrace the incredible life that awaits you.


If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce

If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!

  1. The Special Magistrate and Unveiling their Unique Role
  2. Understanding parental rights and Responsibilities in Texas
  3. Understanding the Role and Functions of Court Magistrates
  4. The Secrets to Creating Successful Texas Parenting Plans
  5. Exploring the Indictment Process
  6. Navigating the Complexities of Divorce: Why You Need an Experienced Attorney
  7. What is The Divorce Rate After Therapy?
  8. What is The Success Rate of Marriage Counseling?
  9. What is The Main Goal of Marriage Counseling?
  10. What are The Three Forms of Discovery?
  11. What is Included in a Discovery?
  12. What Does Discovery Show in a Divorce?
  13. Child Support in Texas: From Guideline Levels to Ending Obligations and Everything In Between
  14. Safeguarding Child Witnesses

Frequently Asked Questions: Divorcing a Narcissist

What will a narcissist do during divorce?

A narcissist may employ manipulative tactics such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and playing the victim. They may also attempt to control the narrative, engage in power struggles, and use legal tactics to delay the process.

Do narcissists move on quickly after divorce?

Narcissists often have a strong desire to maintain their ego and seek validation. While some may move on quickly to new relationships, it is often driven by a need for attention and admiration rather than genuine emotional connection.

How long does the average marriage with a narcissist last?

The duration of a marriage with a narcissist can vary. However, studies suggest that marriages with narcissistic individuals tend to have higher rates of divorce compared to non-narcissistic marriages.

What is the final stage of narcissistic abuse?

The final stage of narcissistic abuse is often characterized by discard and devaluation. The narcissist may become increasingly cruel, dismissive, and may seek to hurt the partner emotionally and psychologically.

How does a narcissist treat his wife?

A narcissist may treat their wife with a lack of empathy, constantly seek admiration and attention, manipulate, control, and engage in emotional and psychological abuse. Their behavior is often centered around their own needs and desires.

Will a narcissist negotiate a divorce?

Negotiating with a narcissist during a divorce can be challenging. They may be unwilling to compromise, seek to control the process, and may engage in tactics to delay or undermine the negotiation process. However, it is possible to navigate negotiations with careful planning and the assistance of experienced professionals.

What hurts a narcissist ex the most?

Narcissists often have fragile egos and a fear of rejection. One thing that can hurt them the most is being ignored or not receiving the attention and admiration they desire. They may also be affected by any perceived criticism or exposure of their true nature.

How does a narcissist feel when you divorce him?

A narcissist’s reaction to divorce can vary. They may feel a blow to their ego, experience anger, and seek revenge. However, they may also attempt to manipulate the situation to their advantage or portray themselves as the victim.

Do narcissists suffer after a breakup?

Narcissists may struggle with the loss of control and the end of the relationship. However, their focus is typically on preserving their self-image and finding alternative sources of admiration. While they may experience temporary setbacks, they are unlikely to deeply reflect on their actions or seek personal growth.

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