Why would a father lose custody?

Hey there, fellow readers! Picture this: a passionate father with a heart full of love, eagerly striving for custody of his beloved kids. But hold on, the custody battle takes a wild turn, and it seems like fathers never win! Is this a plot twist you’ve heard too often? Well, worry not, because we’re here to unravel the truth and put those myths to rest!

Short Answer:

Do fathers never get custody? The answer might surprise you! While the road to custody isn’t always easy, let’s dig deep and find out why dads sometimes face uphill battles, and how they can stack the odds in their favor.

Reasons to Keep Reading:

  1. Real-Life Tales: Get ready to dive into riveting real-life examples that’ll resonate with every loving father out there. From heartwarming victories to challenges faced, you’ll relate to these stories like never before!
  2. Busting Biases and Stereotypes: We’ll fearlessly challenge long-standing biases and stereotypes that have overshadowed dads’ parenting prowess. It’s time to break free from the shackles of societal norms!
  3. Custody Alternatives Unveiled: It’s not just about primary and possessory conservatorships anymore! Discover new custody arrangements that offer fresh opportunities for fathers seeking quality time with their children.
  4. Empowering Fathers: Our comprehensive insights and tips will empower fathers in their pursuit of custody rights. Find out how to overcome obstacles, debunk myths, and be a hero in your kids’ lives!

Buckle up and join us on this exciting journey as we explore the complexities of the custody world. Grab a cup of coffee, get cozy, and let’s dive into the truth behind the age-old question: Why do fathers never get custody? Trust us; you won’t want to miss a single word!

Why Do Fathers Never Get Custody? Debunking the Myths and Unraveling the Truth!

Fathers oftentimes face special challenges within the context of a divorce or child custody case. Although the Texas Family Code does not distinguish between the rights and duties of mothers or fathers about their children, the relationships fathers have with their families are often different than that of mothers. While mothers often act as the primary caretaker of children, especially young children, fathers often accept roles as primary breadwinners and secondary parents. This not only impacts their relationship with their children before a family law case but can potentially harm their position within the world of a child custody or divorce case.

A question that I am left answering quite a bit in conjunction with family law cases is why fathers seemingly always end up as possessory conservators rather than primary conservators. The primary conservator is the parent who cares for the child most frequently, establishes the kids’ primary residence, and has primary decision-making responsibilities. The possessory conservator has the right to spend time with children and make decisions for them but to a lesser extent. If you are a father in Texas who is about to go through a divorce or child custody case yourself, then you need to understand these issues to set yourself up for success.

Why do fathers fare worse than mothers in family law cases? Do fathers fare worse than mothers? What does “worse” mean? These are the questions that I am going to answer in today’s blog post. This topic is critical, as I’ve seen many fathers enter family law cases with less information than their female counterparts. I’m not operating under the impression that a single blog post could eliminate the information deficit, but I will do my best to help the process.

Do fathers fare worse than mothers in family law cases?

We need to figure out whether fathers actually do fare worse than mothers in family law cases or if this is more of an urban legend that has been circulating in society but never truly disproven. I know that I have heard from many fathers who have told me that their understanding and belief is that fathers truly have a difficult time being named as the primary conservator of children. When I ask people about this, they can never really give me a specific reason, but they are more or less sure that this is the case. Therefore, we need to figure out whether fathers have a disadvantage and family cases in Texas.

The first place we could look for some bases for this belief would be in the family code. The Texas family code guides judges and attorneys when making determinations regarding family law cases. I assume that numerous individuals engaged in family law cases think that the Texas Family Code has particular clauses that put fathers at a disadvantage compared to mothers. As often as fathers assume they have no chance to become primary conservators, mothers assume they will automatically obtain favorable decisions. This is simply because they are the mothers of the children.

Gender Neutrality in Texas Family Law and Judicial Biases

It would probably surprise those people to find out that there are no differences between how mothers and fathers are treated under the law if you open up the Texas family code. There is no explicit benefit to being either my mother or a father in conjunction with issues related to the parenting of a child. There are no advantages to being a mother or father when it comes to possession, Visitation, child support, or any other subject related to your children. The language in the code is gender-neutral, then parents go into a case on even footing as far as the law is concerned.

Another area where I imagine there is an assumption that the law favors mothers is family court judges. Maybe old prejudices die hard, and the judges read in their own implicit biases into how family law cases are decided by favoring them towards mothers when compared to fathers. I have practiced family law for a good chunk of time. Anne can tell you that certain judges do have reputations for behaving in one way or another. Sometimes it even makes sense to tell a client about how judges attitudes or biases in advance to prepare them.

Dispelling Myths: The Reality of Judicial Decisions in Family Law

However, I can tell you that the vast majority of the time, there are no advantages set forth by a judge 1 compared to 2 judges who rule against parents based on any number of other factors. In my experience practicing family law, it has been rare to see a judge rule based on a client being male or female. The idea that a court would rule favor a mother simply because she is a woman does not come up.

If not found in the law, or the decisions of judges, or biases towards mothers by judges, then we are running out of places where there can be inherent biases in the legal system against fathers. It has little to do with someone having a Y chromosome, but it does have a great deal to do with how we as human beings still lead our lives even in the year 2021. That is what I would like to discuss with you all in the following section of today’s blog post. How do our decisions as humans and how we parent our kid’s impact how family law cases are decided?

Fathers can be at a disadvantage based on how typical household functions.

The reason why mothers are often awarded the right to determine the primary residence of the children and the right to receive child support is due to their being named as a primary conservator of children. Being designated as the primary conservator of a child is a function of being involved in a family law case. Before beginning any family law case, you as a mother or father have the same rights and duties compared to your child’s Co-parent. It doesn’t matter if you are married or not; as long as you both are legally designated as parents, you share equal rights in the decision-making and time-sharing components of parenting.

It is only when you and your Co-parent go to family court to have various issues decided that the law comes into play and begins to determine which of you holds which specific conservatorships rights. Also, only then will a determination be made in terms of a possession schedule that allows you and your Co-parent to have a predictable amount of time to spend with your child throughout the year.

So much of the time spent in a family law case, whether it is child support or child custody case, on determining a Visitation schedule and conservatorships rights in how they will be divided between parents. If you are like most families, your concern lies primarily with being able to spend as much time with your children as possible despite the hardships of a family law case and living in separate households from your child’s other parent. It is reasonable to have this concern, but I would offer you that an even more important part of the case can maintain a strong position as a decision-maker for your child.

Understanding Conservatorship in Texas Family Law

Making decisions for your child and being responsible for providing certain things for your child means discussing conservatorship’s rights. When we talk about child custody cases, what we are referencing is conservatorship cases. Surprisingly, the word custody does not appear in the Texas family code even one time. Being a conservator means having the ability to make decisions for someone else and being responsible for their well-being. An adult can be a conservator for their child or for other adults with mental or physical impairments. These impairments make them unable to care for themselves.

In the typical child custody or divorce case, there are two different types of conservatories. There is a primary conservator in a possessory Conservatory. Both the primary and possessory conservators have the right to spend time with their children and the responsibility to prioritize the child’s best interests. They also have the right to access information about the child’s education, health, and general well-being. The big difference between the two types of conservators is that one will determine the child’s primary residence. The other will have a Visitation schedule awarded to them in the family law case.

Rights and Advantages of the Primary Conservator

The primary conservator is in the driver’s seat in several ways. First of all, the primary conservator has the right to determine the child’s primary residence about where they live regularly. If named the primary conservator in a Texas family law case, your child will live with you full-time. That doesn’t mean that your child will not be spending time with the other parent or that they will not have a say so in the life of your child it’s just that most of the year your child will be spent in your home and your care.

The next advantage that a primary conservator holds over the possessory Conservatory is that the primary conservator can receive child support in most cases. Because the primary conservator has the child more often than not, it is reasonable to expect that they will bear the brunt of the daily costs associated with raising that child. To equalize the costs as much as possible, the possessory conservator will pay a certain percentage of their net monthly income to the primary conservator. Typically the percentage of net monthly income that you could expect to pay in child support ranges anywhere from 20 to 50% at the absolute high end.

Decision-Making Authority and Gender Perceptions in Conservatorship

Finally, the primary conservator typically has the right to make decisions on behalf of a child to a greater extent than the possessory Conservatory. For instance, the primary conservator may also have the final or independent ability to decide on the child’s health or education. They may choose to take into consideration the thoughts of the possessory conservator. Still, the final decision-making authority in these areas may end up lying with the primary conservator. However, each case in each situation is unique unto itself. You should not assume that if you are named the possessory Conservatory, you have no authority when it comes to decision-making for your child.

These are among the most important ways that a primary conservator has advantages over the possessory Conservatory when spending time with your child after a family law case and making decisions on their behalf. Depending on your specific circumstances, you should speak with your family law attorney about any special considerations that need to be made for you and your family.

So why is it that, at least anecdotally, mothers are more often named as the primary conservator compared to their counterparts? If you, as a father, stand ready to take over these responsibilities in a family law case, do you have any shot at all?

When determining your ability to be named as a primary conservator as a father, look to your family circumstances.

The reality of the situation is that you, as a father, need to look at your family’s history as a means of determining your chances of being named as the primary conservator of your children. To be sure, many fathers are not a part of their child’s life on a day-to-day basis. There can be many reasons for it, but at the end of the day, a family court judge would look to the involvement of both parents in determining who will be named as the primary Conservator.

If you are an active and involved father who takes part in the day-to-day care of your child, then you may be asking what shot you have at becoming a primary conservator after your child custody or divorce case comes to an end. All other things being equal, I would tell you that you stand just as strong of a shot as the mother does at being named primary conservator. However, it would help if you looked at a few other factors when determining whether or not this is a responsibility that you can handle both now and into the future.

Considerations for Fathers in Family Law Cases

For instance, do you work in a field where you are prone to receiving phone calls or emails that require you to attend to work at a moment’s notice? If so, your life and work balance may not be such that your children’s primary conservator works well for your family. This doesn’t mean that you are not interested and involved, dad; it just means that your family may require you to work more than it does care for your children at a moment’s notice. Fathers who travel quite a bit for work maybe spend all of their free time with their children. Still, if your day-to-day responsibilities take you away from home quite a bit, then you need to seriously ask yourself whether or not your child’s best interests are reflected in your being primary conservator.

These are key considerations for fathers before entering a family law case. I cannot tell you how many fathers assume that they will not be named as primary conservators of their children because of an old wives tale regarding courts favoring women over men in this context. There is no guarantee that you as a father will be named as primary conservator if that is your wish, but you certainly should not assume that you have no chance simply because you are a man and not a woman. The attorneys and staff at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan assist men like you daily. We would be honored to serve you and your family as well.

Why Do Fathers Never Get Custody: Analyzing the Factors

When it comes to child custody cases, fathers often find themselves facing an uphill battle. Despite societal progress towards gender equality, the prevailing belief persists that mothers are inherently more suited to be primary caretakers. This article explores the factors contributing to fathers rarely getting custody. Let’s examine the key aspects that influence custody decisions and the challenges fathers encounter in their pursuit of custody rights.

Factors Considered in Custody Decisions

Courts base custody decisions on several crucial factors, with the child’s best interests taking center stage. While involvement from both parents is weighed, other elements such as parental fitness, stability, the child’s preference (if old enough), and any history of abuse or neglect play significant roles. Understanding how these factors intertwine can shed light on why fathers sometimes struggle to secure custody.

Custody Arrangement


Shared Custody

Both parents actively share equal time and responsibilities for the child. A balanced arrangement that fosters bonding.

Joint Custody

Parents collaborate on major decisions, fostering cooperation and input from both parties.


A flexible approach where parents work together to create a customized plan that suits their unique family dynamics.

Nesting Custody

The child remains in the family home, while parents take turns living there based on the custody schedule.

Virtual Visitation

In cases of long-distance or challenging logistics, parents can connect with their child through virtual means.

Despite legal statutes that proclaim equality between parents, historical and cultural biases still impact custody decisions. Deep-rooted stereotypes portraying fathers as less nurturing or incapable caregivers can influence judges and society alike. Challenging these ingrained perceptions is vital to ensure that custody decisions are made without undue gender bias.

Exploring Shared Custody Arrangements

Shared custody, joint custody, or co-parenting can be viable alternatives to traditional primary and possessory conservatorships. By discussing various custody options available to fathers, we can break away from the notion that fathers never get custody and create more inclusive solutions.

The Challenges Fathers Face in Custody Cases

Fathers embroiled in custody battles often encounter unique challenges. They may have to disprove stereotypes and misconceptions about their parenting abilities. Additionally, work-related commitments can affect their availability for day-to-day care. Overcoming these challenges requires a thorough understanding of the legal landscape and proactive planning.

The Impact of Parental Involvement on Children

Research consistently demonstrates the positive effects of involved fathers on a child’s development and well-being. Highlighting these findings can bolster the argument for fathers seeking custody rights, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong paternal bonds.

Navigating the complexities of a custody battle can be overwhelming for fathers. Providing information about legal resources and support groups is crucial for empowering fathers. Organizations dedicated to assisting fathers in custody cases help them advocate for their rights effectively.

Child Custody Laws in Other Jurisdictions

Comparing custody laws and practices across different states or countries can provide valuable insights into how various jurisdictions handle fathers’ custody rights. By understanding how different systems approach custody decisions, fathers can be better prepared to navigate their own cases.

Creating Effective Parenting Plans and Agreements

A well-crafted parenting plan can lay the foundation for a successful co-parenting relationship. Discussing the importance of detailed parenting agreements can help fathers secure a fair and amicable custody arrangement with their co-parent.

The Role of Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Considering mediation or alternative dispute resolution methods may offer a more collaborative and less adversarial approach to resolving custody conflicts. Understanding the potential benefits of these methods can guide fathers towards finding mutually agreeable custody solutions outside of court.

Addressing the Emotional Impact on Fathers

Custody battles can take a toll on fathers emotionally. Coping strategies and emotional support resources are essential to help fathers navigate the challenges they face during the legal process and maintain their well-being.

In conclusion, the notion that fathers never get custody is an oversimplification of a complex issue. By analyzing the factors influencing custody decisions, we can strive towards a more equitable and child-centered approach. Addressing the challenges fathers encounter can also contribute to more equitable custody arrangements. It is essential to challenge biases and promote shared parenting. Additionally, supporting fathers in pursuing meaningful relationships with their children is crucial. Ultimately, a child’s well-being should always be the guiding principle in any custody decision.


And there you have it, dear readers – the exhilarating journey through the world of fatherhood and custody battles! We’ve debunked myths, crushed stereotypes, and revealed the secrets to a dad’s triumph in the courtroom arena. So, do fathers never get custody? Well, as our rollercoaster ride showed, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation!

Picture this: a dad, armed with knowledge and determination, defying the odds and emerging victorious in a heartfelt battle for his little munchkins. Cue the applause and cheers from the crowd! Because, you see, being a dad is not about fitting a predetermined mold. It’s about embracing the unique and wonderful journey of parenting.

If you’re a dad facing custody challenges or supporting a superhero dad, we hope you’re inspired and informed. Let’s celebrate the love and dedication dads bring to their kids’ lives. It’s an epic saga of heartwarming moments and memories!

But hey, the adventure doesn’t end here! Stay tuned for more captivating stories, expert insights, and valuable tips on navigating the twists and turns of parenting. Let’s continue on this exciting ride together, where love knows no boundaries, and dads reign supreme!

Remember, dear readers, fathers do get custody, and they do it with flying colors! Arm yourself with knowledge and keep your spirit high. Let’s cheer on all the dads – the unsung heroes and heartbeats of loving families. Onwards, champions of fatherhood, onwards!

Until next time, adieu and embrace the joyous adventure of parenthood!

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undefined If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “Father’s Rights E-Book”

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