
10 Texas Divorce Myths You Might Have Heard From Friends, Neighbors, and Relatives

Are you considering divorce, or have you ever heard whispers from friends, family, or neighbors that left you scratching your head about the whole process? You’re not alone. Divorce is a complicated and emotional journey, and it’s no wonder that so many misconceptions and myths are floating around. But don’t worry, we’re here to bust those myths wide open and set the record straight!

Picture this: You’re at a neighborhood gathering, and someone mentions that their cousin’s best friend’s brother got divorced and had to give up half of everything, including his beloved dog, to his ex-spouse. You gasp, thinking, “Is that really how it works?” Fear not, dear reader! This blog post will explore 10 common divorce myths and reveal their truth. Plus, we’ll give you the answers and tools you need to navigate the often-confusing world of divorce confidently.

Let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind these pervasive myths! So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if you’re so inclined), sit back, and get ready to separate fact from fiction. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to confidently debunk these myths when they come up in conversation or, more importantly, if you ever find yourself facing divorce.

Myth 1: The mother always wins custody of the children.

Picture this: you’re at a family gathering, and your Aunt Betty leans in to share her “expert” knowledge on divorce, proclaiming, “You know, the mother always wins custody of the children!” Well, dear reader, it’s time to set the record straight.

Short answer: Nope, not true!

So, why should you keep reading? Because we’re about to bust this myth wide open with some surprising truths, relatable stories, and a playful exploration of the real factors that determine child custody.

Get ready to be the life of the party, armed with the knowledge to debunk Aunt Betty’s claims and give her (and anyone else) a fresh perspective on child custody in divorce. Stay tuned!

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. You see, the times have changed, and so have the laws. No longer is the mother granted default custody of the children in a divorce. In fact, it’s all about the “best interests of the child” now.

Gather ’round, folks, because we’re about to dive into the world of custody battles, but with a twist! We’ll share relatable anecdotes and explore the factors that really influence custody decisions. Prepare to be enlightened!

  1. It’s All About the Children’s Well-being: Custody decisions aren’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Judges take into account the child’s well-being, considering factors like each parent’s ability to provide a stable home, meet their child’s needs, and foster a strong parent-child relationship.
  2. Gender Equality on the Rise: It’s 2023, people! Gender equality has made leaps and bounds, and this includes the realm of custody disputes. The court system now recognizes that fathers can be just as capable as mothers when it comes to parenting.
  3. Shared Custody, Anyone?: The courts are increasingly leaning towards joint custody arrangements, where both parents share equal responsibility for their children. This arrangement promotes a healthy, balanced upbringing for the little ones.
  4. Communication is Key: Parents willing to cooperate, communicate effectively, and put their children needs first often fare better in custody battles. So, it’s time to brush up on those communication skills, folks!

Now you’re equipped with the knowledge to debunk Aunt Betty’s antiquated beliefs and make a splash at the next family gathering. Remember, it’s not about “Mother knows best” anymore; it’s about the child’s best interests. So, spread the word and keep the conversation going!

Myth 2: Divorce always means a long, drawn-out battle in court.

Picture this: your favorite TV show’s characters are entangled in a bitter divorce battle, with dramatic courtroom scenes and angry outbursts. Sounds exciting, right? Well, the reality of divorce is often far from this depiction.

The short answer: divorce doesn’t always mean a long, drawn-out battle in court.

Stay with me here, because we’re about to debunk this common myth and explore the real-world alternatives to courtroom drama. You might even discover that divorce can be a peaceful, collaborative process. Yes, you read that right! So, grab some popcorn and let’s dive into the world of divorce – without the made-for-TV theatrics.

In reality, many divorces are settled outside of court, through various methods such as mediation, collaborative law, or negotiation between attorneys. These alternatives focus on resolving differences amicably and finding a mutually beneficial solution for both parties, often saving time, money, and emotional strain.

Mediation, for instance, brings in an unbiased third-party mediator who helps facilitate discussions and encourages compromise. This process allows couples to control and tailor the outcome to their needs. No gavel-pounding judge required!

Collaborative law is another popular choice for couples seeking a less combative approach. It’s all about open communication, cooperation, and a commitment to resolving issues without stepping foot in a courtroom. Both parties hire attorneys trained in collaborative law and work as a team to find creative solutions.

Even in cases where a court appearance is necessary, it doesn’t have to be a drawn-out, expensive battle. Many disputes can be resolved through pre-trial conferences, where the judge helps the couple narrow down the issues and reach a settlement.

The bottom line: Divorce doesn’t have to be a dramatic, never-ending saga. Exploring your options and choosing a path that best fits your unique circumstances is important. So, next time you watch that juicy TV drama, remember that it’s just that – fiction. Real-life divorces can (and should) be much more collaborative and amicable. Now, isn’t that a plot twist worth celebrating?

Myth 3: Assets are always divided equally in a divorce.

Equal shares for all!” might be a rallying cry in some circumstances, but when it comes to dividing assets in a divorce, this isn’t always the case. In fact, the division of assets can be as unique as the couple involved – and that’s where things get interesting!

The short answer: No, assets aren’t always divided equally in a divorce. Why? Because every couple’s financial landscape is different, the law considers that.

If you’ve ever played the game of Monopoly, you know that divvying up the properties can be a delicate, strategic dance. Similarly, when it comes to divorce, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. In many states, the legal standard is an “equitable distribution” of marital assets. This means that assets are divided fairly, but not necessarily equally, based on a variety of factors, such as each spouse’s income, contributions to the marriage, and future needs.

Picture this: You and your spouse have collected rare, antique teacups throughout your marriage. In a 50/50 split, you’d each end up with half the collection. But what if you have a deep passion for these delicate treasures, while the other couldn’t care less? In this case, an equitable distribution might look quite different – with the teacup enthusiast walking away with the entire collection, while the other spouse receives a different asset of equal value.

The takeaway: Don’t let the myth of equal asset division lead you down the wrong path. Remember that the goal is a fair and just resolution that considers your marriage’s unique circumstances. And who knows – you might just end up with the teacup collection of your dreams!

Myth 4: I’ll get a more favorable settlement if my spouse cheats.

Break out the popcorn and cue the dramatic music – because this myth has all the makings of a juicy soap opera plot twist. But here’s the reality: While adultery can add complexity to divorce proceedings, it doesn’t automatically mean the unfaithful spouse will walk away empty-handed.

Short answer: No, committing adultery doesn’t mean you’ll lose everything in a divorce. But it can impact certain aspects of the proceedings.

Divorce law varies from state to state, and while some states do consider marital misconduct (such as adultery) when determining alimony or property distribution, others follow a “no-fault” approach. This means that the reason for the divorce doesn’t factor into the division of assets or spousal support.

That being said, if the unfaithful spouse used marital funds to support their extramarital relationship (think lavish gifts or secret getaways), this may be considered when dividing assets. Additionally, if the adultery significantly negatively impacted the children’s well-being, it could influence custody decisions.

So, while it’s true that adultery can play a role in a divorce, it doesn’t automatically seal the unfaithful spouse’s financial fate. In the end, it’s essential to navigate the complexities of divorce with the help of an experienced attorney – one who can guide you through the twists and turns of this emotional rollercoaster, and help you arrive at a fair and reasonable resolution.

Stay tuned for more myth-busting insights as we continue to explore the realities of divorce – and remember, knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your rights and interests in the process.

Myth 5: You can deny your spouse visitation rights if they don’t pay child support.

It’s not uncommon for tensions to run high when it comes to matters of child support and visitation. But can you really withhold visitation if your ex isn’t holding up their end of the financial bargain? Let’s set the record straight.

Short answer: No, you cannot legally deny visitation rights due to unpaid child support. These are two separate issues.

It’s essential to understand that child support and visitation rights are distinct legal matters. Child support aims to ensure the child’s financial well-being, while visitation rights aim to maintain a healthy relationship between the child and both parents. As tempting as it might be to use visitation as leverage, doing so can ultimately harm the child’s best interests and may even land you in legal trouble.

If your ex isn’t paying child support, the appropriate course of action is to seek legal remedies through the court system. This could involve filing a motion for enforcement or seeking wage garnishment. The key here is to avoid taking matters into your own hands – because, in the end, the primary goal should always be the child’s welfare.

As we continue to debunk common divorce myths, remember that understanding the nuances of family law can be crucial to protecting your rights and interests. Equip yourself with knowledge and seek guidance from an experienced attorney to ensure a smoother and more amicable divorce process.

Myth 6: If you cheated, you’ll lose everything in the divorce.

Infidelity is a painful experience that can cause significant damage to a marriage. But does a cheating spouse automatically lose everything in a divorce? Let’s dig into this myth.

Short answer: Infidelity does not guarantee you’ll lose everything in the divorce.

While it’s true that cheating can be a catalyst for divorce, it’s essential to understand how infidelity impacts the legal proceedings. In some states, adultery can be considered when determining alimony, but it’s not a determining factor in asset division or child custody.

Most states follow the principle of equitable distribution, which means that marital assets are divided fairly, but not necessarily equally. Judges will consider various factors such as each spouse’s income, the length of the marriage, and the couple’s standard of living when deciding how to divide assets. Infidelity may play a role in this decision, but it is not the sole determinant.

It’s crucial to separate the emotional impact of infidelity from the legal divorce process. Working with an experienced attorney can help you navigate divorce law’s complexities and protect your rights.

By dispelling these common divorce myths, you’ll be better prepared to face the challenges of the divorce process with a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities. Knowledge is power, and in the case of divorce, it’s the key to moving forward and starting a new chapter in your life.

Myth 7: Moving out of the marital home means giving up rights to it.

Leaving the marital home can be an emotionally challenging decision, and the fear of losing your rights to the property can make it even more daunting. But is that fear warranted?

Short answer: No, moving out doesn’t automatically mean losing your marital home rights.

While it’s true that moving out can have some repercussions on the outcome of a divorce, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll forfeit your rights to the marital home. The division of assets, including the marital home, depends on various factors such as the length of the marriage, contributions to the property, and the specific laws in your state.

However, it’s crucial to note that moving out can affect other aspects of the divorce, such as custody and child support. For instance, leaving the marital home and your children continue living there with your spouse might influence the court’s decision on custody and visitation rights.

To make the best decision for your situation and protect your rights, it’s essential to consult with an experienced family law attorney. They can help you understand your options and guide you through the legal process, ensuring that your rights are upheld.

As we continue to debunk these common myths surrounding divorce and family law, it’s essential to recognize the importance of accurate information. By understanding the facts, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the legal system’s challenges and make informed decisions that protect your best interests.

Myth 8: You can avoid paying child support by quitting your job or taking a lower-paying position.

Have you ever heard the myth that parents can dodge child support by quitting their job or taking a lower-paying position? As nice as it sounds to evade financial responsibility, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Child support payments are crucial for the well-being of your children and there are serious consequences for not paying them.

Family courts look at a parent’s earning potential, not just their current income. Suppose it is found that you are deliberately underemployed to avoid child support. In that case, the court can impute income to you, meaning they will assume you are earning a higher income than you actually are and order you to pay based on that figure. In fact, quitting your job or taking a lower-paying position to avoid child support can backfire on you.

So, to answer the question, you cannot avoid paying child support by quitting your job or taking a lower-paying position. If you want to provide the best for your children, fulfilling your financial obligations as a parent is important.

But don’t just take our word for it! In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why evading child support is a bad idea, share some real-life anecdotes, and provide tips for navigating child support payments. So keep reading to find out more!

Myth 9: Men always end up paying spousal support.

Are you under the impression that men always end up paying spousal support after a divorce? Well, think again! This is just one of the many divorce myths that we aim to bust in this article.

In reality, spousal support or alimony is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account factors such as the financial resources of each spouse, the duration of the marriage, and the earning capacity of each spouse, among others. So, it’s not always the case that men pay spousal support.

If you’re going through a divorce or are considering one, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Keep reading to find out more! We’ll walk you through some of the most common myths surrounding divorce, and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your future.

Now, this isn’t to say that men never have to pay spousal support. In fact, there are plenty of cases where men are ordered to pay spousal support to their ex-wives. However, it’s important to note that spousal support is not solely based on gender.

The decision to award spousal support, as well as the amount and duration of the payments, is based on a variety of factors, including the length of the marriage, the income and earning potential of both parties, and the needs of the spouse requesting support.

It’s also worth noting that spousal support is not always awarded in every divorce case. In some instances, both parties may agree to forgo spousal support altogether.

So, if you’re a man going through a divorce, don’t automatically assume that you’ll be ordered to pay spousal support. The decision will be based on a variety of factors unique to your situation.

In conclusion, the myth that men always end up paying spousal support is simply not true. While it’s true that spousal support is often awarded to women, this is not always the case, and the decision to award spousal support is based on a variety of factors. So, don’t let this myth discourage you from seeking a divorce if it’s what you truly want.

Myth 10: You don’t need a lawyer if you’re having an amicable divorce.

Ah, the elusive “amicable divorce.” It’s the unicorn of the legal world, something many couples dream of achieving. But even in the most friendly and cooperative situations, having a lawyer is still an important step.

The truth is, divorce is a complex process with many legal nuances and potential pitfalls. Even if you and your spouse are on the best of terms, there are still numerous legal issues to navigate, such as dividing assets, creating a parenting plan, and ensuring that all paperwork is filed correctly.

Having a lawyer on your side ensures that you have an experienced professional who can help guide you through the process and protect your rights. If necessary, your lawyer can also help you negotiate with your spouse and their legal representation.

So, while it’s great to aim for an amicable divorce, don’t assume that you don’t need a lawyer. An experienced attorney can help you achieve a smoother and less stressful divorce, even if you and your spouse are already in agreement on most issues.

Now, don’t get me wrong – an amicable divorce is a great goal to have. But just because you and your soon-to-be-ex are on good terms doesn’t mean you don’t need a lawyer. In fact, having a lawyer can actually help keep things amicable by providing an objective third party to help you navigate the legal process.

For example, disagreements about property division, child custody, or spousal support may still exist even in an amicable divorce. Having a lawyer to help negotiate these issues can prevent them from turning into major conflicts.

Additionally, a lawyer can help ensure the divorce agreement is legally binding and enforceable, protecting you from future disputes or misunderstandings.

So, while an amicable divorce is certainly a great start, don’t underestimate the value of having a qualified family law attorney. They can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the process, and help protect your rights and interests.

In the end, getting divorced is never easy, but with the right mindset and a skilled lawyer by your side, you can make the process as smooth and painless as possible.


And there you have it! Ten common myths about divorce, debunked. Don’t let these misconceptions cloud your judgement when it comes to making decisions about your own divorce. Remember, every case is unique and deserves personalized attention from a skilled attorney.

At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, we understand the complexities of divorce and are here to help guide you through the process. Our team of experienced attorneys will work with you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, whether that be through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.

Don’t let these myths hold you back from seeking the legal representation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future.

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FAQs about Texas Divorce

Is Texas a 50 50 divorce state?

No, Texas is not a 50-50 divorce state. In Texas, the court follows community property laws, which means that the property is divided equally between the spouses unless it is proven that the division is not just and right.

What is the wife entitled to in a divorce in Texas?

In Texas, the wife is entitled to an equal share of the marital property, which includes all property acquired during the marriage, regardless of whose name is on the title or deed. The wife may also be entitled to spousal support, also known as alimony, if the court determines that she has a financial need and the husband has the ability to pay.

What is the number one cause of divorce in Texas?

The number one cause of divorce in Texas, as well as in most states, is infidelity or extramarital affairs. Other common causes of divorce include money problems, communication issues, and irreconcilable differences.

What is the 10 year rule in divorce in Texas?

The 10 year rule in Texas divorce refers to the duration of spousal support or alimony payments. If the marriage lasted for 10 years or longer and the spouse seeking support lacks sufficient property or income to provide for their reasonable needs, then the court may order spousal support for an indefinite period or until further court order.

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