Children and Taxes Post-Divorce: The Basics

Divorce is a complex and emotionally challenging process that many individuals may face at some point in their lives. If you are a resident of Texas and contemplating or navigating a divorce, it is crucial to understand the state’s specific laws and regulations governing divorce proceedings. In Texas, couples seeking a divorce must first establish grounds, which can be either fault-based or no-fault. No-fault divorce, also known as “insupportability,” is the most common ground and requires only a declaration that the marriage has become insupportable due to discord or conflict. Fault-based grounds include adultery, cruelty, abandonment, felony conviction, or living apart for at least three years.

Conditions for Divorce

  • Residency Requirements: Before filing for divorce, one or both spouses must meet certain residency requirements. Either spouse must have been a resident of the state for at least six months before filing for divorce, and a resident of the county where the divorce petition is filed for at least 90 days.

  • No-Fault Divorce: Texas is a “no-fault” divorce state, which means that a spouse does not have to prove that the other spouse did something wrong in order to obtain a divorce. The only required grounds for divorce is that the marriage has become “insupportable” due to discord or conflict that has destroyed the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.

  • Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce: In Texas, divorces can be either contested or uncontested. In an uncontested divorce, both spouses agree on all aspects of the divorce, including property division, child custody, child support, and alimony (if applicable). Uncontested divorces are generally quicker, less expensive, and less stressful.

On the other hand, in a contested divorce, spouses cannot reach an agreement on one or more issues, and the court may need to intervene to resolve the disputes. This typically involves a more complex and time-consuming process, including court hearings and possible trial proceedings.

  • Property Division: Texas follows the community property system, which means that any property acquired during the marriage is generally considered community property and subject to division between the spouses. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as property acquired by gift or inheritance.

  • Child Custody and Support: When children are involved in a divorce, the court’s primary focus is on the best interests of the child. Texas law encourages both parents to have continuing and frequent contact with their children, unless it is determined that such contact would not be in the child’s best interests. Child custody arrangements can be decided through mutual agreement or by the court if the parents cannot reach an agreement.

Child support is determined based on guidelines provided by the Texas Family Code. The guidelines take into account the income of the noncustodial parent and the number of children involved. The court may deviate from these guidelines under certain circumstances.

  • Spousal Support: Spousal support, also known as alimony, may be awarded in Texas if certain conditions are met. The court may consider factors such as the length of the marriage, the age and health of the spouses, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the contributions made to the marriage when determining whether to award spousal support and the amount and duration of the payments.

Understanding the Impact of Divorce on Children in Texas

Divorce is a challenging life event that can have significant emotional and psychological effects on the entire family, especially children. In the state of Texas, like in other states, the impact of divorce on children is a topic of concern and study.

Emotional and Psychological Effects:

  • Feelings of Loss and Grief: Divorce often triggers feelings of loss and grief in children as they witness the dissolution of their parents’ marriage and the restructuring of their family unit. They may experience sadness, confusion, and a sense of abandonment.

  • Anxiety and Fear: Children may develop anxiety and fear due to the uncertainty and instability that divorce brings. The changes in living arrangements, potential disruptions in routines, and concerns about their future can contribute to heightened anxiety levels.

  • Emotional Distress and Depression: Children of divorced parents may experience emotional distress and an increased risk of developing symptoms of depression. They may struggle with feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, and a sense of responsibility for their parents’ separation.

  • Behavioral Changes: Divorce can lead to behavioral changes in children. They may exhibit signs of aggression, acting out, or withdrawal. Academic performance may also suffer due to the emotional turmoil they experience.

Parental Conflict and Co-Parenting:

  • Exposure to Conflict: Children exposed to high levels of conflict between their parents during and after divorce may experience long-lasting negative effects. Witnessing ongoing arguments and hostility can lead to higher levels of stress and emotional distress.

  • Co-Parenting Challenges: Divorced parents in Texas are encouraged to establish effective co-parenting strategies for the well-being of their children. However, conflicts over visitation schedules, decision-making, and communication can create additional stress for children.

Protective Factors and Mitigating the Impact:

  • Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Encouraging children to express their emotions, seeking professional support through counseling or therapy, and providing a nurturing and stable environment can help mitigate the negative effects of divorce.

  • Coordinated Parenting: Effective communication and cooperation between parents can contribute to smoother transitions for children. Maintaining consistency in rules, expectations, and routines across both households can foster stability.

  • Supportive Networks: Involving trusted family members, friends, and support groups can provide children with additional sources of emotional support during the divorce process.

Children and Taxes Post-Divorce

Various tax implications and considerations arise post-divorce, impacting both custodial and noncustodial parents.

  • Custodial Parent and Child-Related Tax Benefits:

The custodial parent, who has primary physical custody of the child, typically enjoys several tax benefits related to the child. These include:

a. Dependency Exemption: The custodial parent is generally eligible to claim the child as a dependent, which provides a valuable tax deduction.

b. Child Tax Credit: The custodial parent may qualify for the Child Tax Credit, which reduces the amount of tax owed per child.

c. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): If the custodial parent meets specific income requirements, they may be eligible for the EITC, a refundable tax credit based on income and the number of children.

d. Head of Household Filing Status: The custodial parent may be eligible to file as “Head of Household,” which typically results in more favorable tax rates.

  • Noncustodial Parent and Child-Related Tax Benefits:

Even though the child resides primarily with the custodial parent, the noncustodial parent may still be entitled to certain tax benefits under certain circumstances. These include:

a. Release of Exemption: The custodial parent can release their right to claim the child as a dependent, allowing the noncustodial parent to claim the exemption. This requires the custodial parent to sign and file Form 8332 or provide an equivalent written statement.

b. Child-Related Tax Credits: In some cases, the noncustodial parent may be eligible to claim the Child Tax Credit and the EITC if the custodial parent has released the right to claim them.

  • Child Support and Alimony:

Child support payments, which are intended to provide for the child’s needs, are typically not taxable to the custodial parent and not tax-deductible for the noncustodial parent. It is essential to note that child support and alimony are distinct; while child support is not taxed, alimony is generally taxable to the recipient and tax-deductible for the payor, provided it meets specific IRS requirements.

  • Medical Expenses and Childcare Costs:

Both custodial and noncustodial parents may have opportunities to claim deductions or credits related to medical expenses and childcare costs:

a. Medical Expenses: If either parent pays for significant medical expenses not covered by insurance, they may be eligible for a deduction. However, only one parent can claim these expenses as an itemized deduction.

b. Childcare Costs: The custodial parent may qualify for the Child and Dependent Care Credit if they paid for childcare services to enable them to work or seek employment. This credit helps offset a portion of qualifying childcare expenses.

  • Communication and Documentation:

Effective communication and documentation between divorced parents are crucial to avoid conflicts and ensure accurate tax filings. Clear agreements regarding tax-related matters, such as releasing exemptions or sharing deductions, should be established and followed. Proper record-keeping and documentation of child-related expenses are also essential to support any deductions or credits claimed.

Understanding the tax benefits available to custodial and noncustodial parents, as well as the treatment of child support and alimony, is vital for proper tax planning. Effective communication, coordination, and documentation between divorced parents are key to navigating the tax landscape accurately. Seeking guidance from tax professionals or family law attorneys can provide invaluable assistance in maximizing available tax benefits while ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan offers clients the opportunity to connect with qualified attorneys who can help them achieve their tax goals after divorce.


Adobe Stock 62844981[2]If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce

Divorce Wasting Assets[4]If you want to know more about how to prepare, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!

  1. The Texas Legal Process in a Divorce
  2. Beware of Common Tricks and Pitfalls in Texas Divorce Cases
  3. What Does an Experienced Texas Divorce Lawyer Do for You in A Case?
  4. Finding a Qualified Texas Divorce Lawyer
  5. Understanding Texas Divorce
  6. 10 Texas Divorce Myths You Might Have Heard From Friends, Neighbors, and Relatives
  7. Military health insurance and divorce
  8. What to do when facing foreclosure during a Texas divorce
  9. Marriage, Divorce Rates and Statistics in Texas 2022
  10. Navigating the Divorce Process in Texas: What You Need to Know
  11. Unconventional Divorce Gifts: Unique Ways to Support Your Divorcing Friend
  12. 6 Tips for Getting a Free Divorce Consultation
  13. Can I buy a House During My Texas Divorce?
  14. Appealing a family court decision in Texas
  15. Can I file single if I got divorced?


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