
How To Terminate a Guardianship In Texas

If you’re grappling with the question of how to terminate guardianship, whether it be for your cousin Sam, the family’s notorious troublemaker who was once under guardianship for his various mishaps, or perhaps for your aging aunt who needed someone to safeguard her interests during her later years, you’re not alone. The process of terminating a guardianship in Texas can be complex, but it’s a critical step for those seeking to regain independence or adjust to new life circumstances.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide on terminating guardianships in Texas. Whether it’s for Sam, your aunt, or any other loved one, we provide detailed insights into the process, exploring the legal prerequisites, alternatives to guardianship, the rights of the ward, the responsibilities of the guardian ad litem, and the nuances of the appeals process. We’ll also delve into the timelines, different types of guardianships, the financial aspects involved, support services available post-termination, and the associated legal costs. This guide is more than just information; it’s a tool to help you make well-informed decisions and potentially grant your loved ones the freedom they seek. Let’s delve into the details.

How To Terminate a Guardianship In Texas

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Guardianship in Texas

In Texas, the concept of Guardianship of the Person and Estate encompasses a critical legal structure designed by the courts to assist individuals who struggle with making vital decisions by themselves. This legal arrangement plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the well-being and interests of those who, due to incapacity, disability, or being a minor, are unable to independently make informed choices. Under Guardianship of the Person and Estate in Texas, the scope of guardianship is tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of each ward. The appointed guardian, whether an individual or an organization, takes on a significant role in managing the personal, financial, and healthcare aspects of the ward’s life, ensuring their overall welfare and best interests are prioritally addressed.

The Role of Guardianship in Family Dynamics

When considering “What Kind of Support Does a Guardian Provide in a Family?“, guardianships play a crucial role. They become particularly vital in cases where parents cannot care for their children due to reasons like illness, incapacity, or incarceration. In such situations, a guardian provides essential care, stability, and support, acting as a dependable figure for minors whose biological parents are unable to meet their responsibilities. For adults facing cognitive or physical disabilities that hinder their ability to independently handle personal matters, a guardian is often appointed. This guardian is responsible for making key decisions about the adult’s finances, healthcare, living conditions, and daily activities. This arrangement not only empowers those with disabilities by safeguarding their rights and interests but also provides a critical support system within the family structure.

Navigating the Process: How to Terminate Guardianship

If you’re seeking information on how to terminate guardianship in Texas, it’s essential to understand the procedure and legal requirements involved. Terminating a guardianship can be a complex process, requiring a thorough understanding of Texas law and the specific circumstances of the ward. This section of the guide will delve into the steps, legal criteria, and considerations necessary for successfully terminating a guardianship in Texas. Whether you’re a guardian seeking to relinquish your role or a ward aspiring for independence, this guide will provide the crucial insights needed for a smooth termination process.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: Ensuring Autonomy and Support

The Critical Role of Guardianship for the Elderly and Those with Mental Health Issues

Guardianships are essential in supporting elderly individuals facing cognitive decline or health issues that impair their decision-making abilities. In these cases, a guardian is appointed to manage financial and personal matters, ensuring the individual receives necessary care and support in their later years. Furthermore, for those with severe mental health challenges that hinder rational decision-making about their treatment and well-being, a guardian’s oversight is crucial. This ensures appropriate care, treatment, and support, safeguarding their rights and interests.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas Ensuring Autonomy and Support

Understanding Temporary Guardianship in Texas involves recognizing that establishing any form of guardianship is a serious legal undertaking. The process is stringent and carefully monitored by the court. Those who assume the role of a guardian take on significant responsibilities, with a mandate to always prioritize the best interests of the ward. Guardians must maintain transparency and accountability, regularly reporting to the court about their decisions and actions related to the ward. Designed to protect and support individuals who cannot advocate for themselves, temporary guardianship, like all guardianships, is a major legal responsibility and must be approached with diligence and adherence to established legal protocols.

Exploring Alternatives and the Process of Terminating Guardianship

In certain cases, alternatives to full guardianship, such as granting power of attorney or designating healthcare proxies, may be considered. These alternatives allow for more personal autonomy while still providing necessary support. However, when the time comes to discuss how to terminate guardianship in Texas, understanding the legal requirements and process is crucial. This section will delve into the specifics of terminating a guardianship, offering a step-by-step guide to navigate this complex legal landscape. Whether seeking more independence for a ward or adjusting to changing circumstances, knowing how to terminate a guardianship is key to ensuring the rights and well-being of all involved are adequately protected.

Understanding the Dynamic Nature of Texas Law

In Texas, the law is more than just a set of static rules; it’s a dynamic, evolving system that deeply affects the lives of its residents. For those involved in family law, estate planning, or criminal defense, understanding ‘how to terminate guardianship’ is crucial. This knowledge acts as a master key, unlocking informed decision-making within the complex legal landscape of the Lone Star State.

Navigating the Legal Maze How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas

Guardianship in Texas is governed by specific provisions in the Texas State Code, particularly Sec. 1202.001. This section defines the duration of a guardianship, stating that a guardian remains in office until the estate is closed, unless legally discharged. This highlights the significant responsibility borne by guardians, emphasizing that guardianship is not merely a title but a duty to protect and care for an individual’s well-being and assets.

A Real-World Scenario: The Impact of Guardianship Termination

To better understand ‘how to terminate guardianship,’ consider a scenario involving a parent in Texas. If a parent becomes incapacitated, a guardian might be appointed for their child, as per the laws in Section 1104.053 and Subchapter D, Chapter 1104. The guardian is responsible for the child’s welfare and asset management.

However, when the incapacitated parent starts to recover and regain the ability to care for themselves and their affairs, Texas Law provides a pathway for terminating the guardianship. According to Sec. 1202.001(b)(2), a guardianship should be settled and closed once the court determines that the ward (the child, in this instance) has a parent who has regained full or sufficient capacity with supports and services to care for themselves and manage their property. This means that the guardian’s powers, appointed due to the parent’s incapacity, will end once the probate court issues an order confirming the parent’s recovery from incapacity.

Understanding the Termination Process

In Texas, terminating a guardianship involves a detailed legal process where the probate court plays a pivotal role. The court needs to be convinced, with adequate evidence, that the previously incapacitated parent or guardian has regained the capacity to make decisions. This highlights the need for comprehensive legal guidance and a deep understanding of Texas guardianship laws. The entire process is designed to navigate the complexities of family dynamics and legal responsibilities, always keeping the best interests and welfare of the ward at the forefront.

Guide to Terminating Guardianship in Texas Key Steps and Legal Insights

Steps to Terminate a Guardianship in Texas

Guardianships, while established to protect those unable to make crucial decisions due to incapacity, disability, or minority, may need to be terminated if situations change. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to terminate a guardianship in Texas:

  1. Assessing the Need for Termination
    • Begin by determining if there is a valid reason to end the guardianship. This might include the ward’s increased ability to make independent decisions, changes in their personal circumstances, or an updated evaluation of their best interests.
  2. Consulting with a Specialized Attorney
    • Engage an attorney experienced in guardianship matters. Their expertise is invaluable in navigating the legal requirements and procedural steps for terminating a guardianship.
  3. Filing a Petition with the Court
    • The next step is to file a formal petition with the court that established the guardianship. This petition should clearly articulate the reasons for seeking termination, supported by relevant evidence and documentation.

Terminating a guardianship is not just a legal formality; it involves careful consideration of the ward’s current and future needs, as well as an assessment of the guardian’s past performance and responsibilities. The probate court examines all aspects of the case, ensuring that the termination serves the best interests of the ward. This process underscores the vital role of the probate court in safeguarding the rights and welfare of those under guardianship.

Navigating the Path to Termination

Terminating a guardianship in Texas requires a thoughtful approach, balancing legal procedures with the sensitive nature of family relationships. By following these steps and seeking the right legal counsel, individuals can navigate this process effectively, ensuring that the decision to terminate guardianship is made in the best interest of all parties involved.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Notifying Interested Parties

As part of the process on how to terminate guardianship in Texas, it’s mandatory to notify all interested parties about the petition to end the guardianship. This includes the ward under guardianship, the current guardian, and any other relevant parties involved.

Notifying Interested Parties

Conducting Medical or Psychological Evaluation

If the initial guardianship was based on a medical or psychological assessment, the court might require a new evaluation. This is to determine the current capacity of the ward and whether terminating the guardianship is appropriate.

Hearing and Court Evaluation

  • A crucial step in terminating guardianship is the court hearing. Here, evidence is presented, and the court assesses if ending the guardianship aligns with the best interests of the ward.

Decision-Making by the Court

  • After reviewing the evidence and hearing arguments, the court decides on the guardianship termination. Key factors include the ward’s current capabilities, their needs, and any risks linked to the termination.

The Role of the Current Guardian

  • During the hearing, the current guardian may offer their viewpoint. The court examines their performance to ascertain if they have consistently acted in the ward’s best interests.

Issuance of a Court Order

  • If the court concludes that termination is in the ward’s best interests, it will issue an order officially ending the guardianship.

Notification of Termination

  • Following the court’s decision, all relevant parties, including government agencies and institutions, must be informed about the guardianship termination.

Completion of Guardian’s Duties

  • The guardian is required to fulfill any remaining obligations as directed by the court, up until the termination is fully effective.

Developing a Transition Plan

When considering the Guardianship of Non-Citizens in Texas, it’s important to understand that terminating such a guardianship is a complex legal process that must always center on the best interests of the ward. For those navigating this area, obtaining legal advice and representation from an attorney with expertise in guardianship, especially for non-citizens, is essential for effectively handling the legal requirements and procedures. The court’s decision in these cases involves a comprehensive assessment of the ward’s capacity and the potential impact of termination on their welfare. This guide is designed to offer clarity on every step involved in terminating the guardianship of non-citizens in Texas, providing a detailed and well-informed approach to ensure the ward’s needs are effectively met.

In Texas, the decision to terminate guardianship hinges on specific legal grounds. This exploration is essential for anyone involved in a guardianship, as circumstances can shift, necessitating a reevaluation of the need for this legal arrangement.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas Understanding Legal Grounds and Procedures

Navigating the Complexities of Guardianships

Guardianships are typically established for the protection and support of individuals who, due to factors like incapacity, disability, or minority status, cannot make crucial decisions on their own. However, as life circumstances evolve, it may become necessary to consider how to terminate guardianship.

Assessing the Need for Guardianship Termination

The pivotal first step in this process involves evaluating whether there’s a legitimate reason for termination. This could be due to improved decision-making abilities of the ward or significant changes in their life situation. For example:

Case Study: The Path to Independence for Sarah

Consider Sarah, a young adult who was under guardianship due to mental health issues. Over time, with effective treatment and support, Sarah’s mental health improved markedly, enabling her to make well-informed decisions about her life. In such instances, pursuing the termination of guardianship could be a viable option.

Evaluating the Ward’s Progress and Changes

In Sarah’s case, as with others, it’s crucial to assess the progress made and the current capabilities of the individual. The termination of guardianship in Texas requires a thorough understanding of the ward’s situation, including their mental, physical, and emotional health, as well as their ability to manage personal and financial affairs.

Once the need for termination is established, the next steps involve a legal process that includes:

  1. Filing a Petition for Termination: A formal request must be submitted to the court that initially granted the guardianship.
  2. Providing Evidence of Improvement: This includes medical reports, psychological evaluations, and other relevant documentation demonstrating the ward’s enhanced capacity to manage their affairs.
  3. Court Hearing and Decision: The court will review the petition, consider the evidence, and make a decision based on the best interests of the ward.

A Careful and Considered Decision

Understanding how to terminate guardianship in Texas requires a careful examination of the ward’s current condition and a detailed legal process. It’s a decision not taken lightly, as it involves reassessing the ward’s ability to manage their life independently. Legal counsel and guidance are essential in navigating this process, ensuring that the decision to terminate guardianship is made with the best interests of the individual at heart.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: Understanding Legalities and Alternatives

Successfully navigating how to terminate guardianship in Texas starts with understanding the specific legal requirements. Consulting with an attorney who specializes in guardianship matters is a vital step. They can offer expert guidance on the necessary procedures and legal criteria, ensuring that the termination process is conducted in accordance with the law.

Navigating Legal Requirements

Considering Alternatives to Full Termination

Terminating a guardianship isn’t always the sole solution. Exploring alternatives can provide a balanced approach that both safeguards the ward’s interests and fosters their independence.

Modifying the Guardianship Arrangement

In some situations, completely ending the guardianship might not be the best course of action. Modifying the guardianship to better suit the ward’s evolving needs and capabilities is an option. This adjustment can redefine the guardian’s responsibilities and decision-making powers to better align with the current state of the ward.

The Option of Appointing Co-Guardians

Appointing co-guardians is another viable alternative. This approach divides the guardianship responsibilities among multiple individuals, offering a more well-rounded support system and diverse perspectives in decision-making for the ward. It can be an effective way to ensure the ward’s needs are comprehensively addressed.

Understanding the Termination Process

Grasping how to terminate guardianship in Texas is a multifaceted procedure that involves more than just legal maneuvers. It encompasses a thorough exploration of available alternatives, ensuring solutions are tailored to the unique needs of the ward. Modifying the current guardianship setup or considering the appointment of co-guardians can offer less restrictive arrangements. These approaches respect the ward’s independence while safeguarding their well-being. Legal advice is key in this process, facilitating informed decisions that serve the best interests of everyone involved.

A Guide to Legal Processes and Options

Exploring Less Restrictive Alternatives

When considering how to terminate guardianship, exploring less restrictive options is vital. These alternatives, such as granting limited power of attorney or appointing healthcare proxies, strike a balance between the ward’s independence and their need for support. These mechanisms allow individuals greater control over their decisions while ensuring necessary assistance is available.

Safeguarding the Ward’s Rights in Termination Proceedings

An integral aspect of terminating guardianship is the protection of the ward’s rights. It’s essential to recognize and uphold these rights, ensuring that the ward’s perspective is considered and their best interests are prioritized.

One of the fundamental rights during the guardianship termination process is the ward’s right to legal representation. This provision ensures that the ward’s views are effectively represented, their interests are protected, and they have a significant say in the termination proceedings.

Navigating Guardianship Termination with Care

In conclusion, understanding how to terminate guardianship in Texas requires a comprehensive approach that considers legal pathways, alternative solutions, and the ward’s rights. Whether it’s adjusting the guardianship arrangement or opting for less restrictive options, each step should be taken with the utmost care to ensure the ward’s interests are at the heart of every decision. Seeking legal counsel is crucial in navigating this process successfully, ensuring all actions align with the ward’s well-being and legal rights.

Incorporating the Ward’s Preferences

In the process of how to terminate guardianship in Texas, it’s crucial to consider the ward’s ability to express their preferences. Their opinions and wishes play a significant role in determining the appropriateness of termination. Respecting and incorporating these preferences is a fundamental part of the process.

Incorporating the Ward's Preferences

Understanding the Role of the Guardian Ad Litem

A critical aspect of terminating guardianship is the involvement of a guardian ad litem. This individual’s role is instrumental in advocating for the best interests of the ward throughout the legal process.

The Function of the Guardian Ad Litem

In guardianship termination proceedings, a guardian ad litem is a court-appointed legal advocate dedicated to representing the ward’s interests. Their primary responsibility is to ensure the ward’s voice is heard and their rights are protected during the termination process.

Appealing the Court’s Decision on Termination

There may be instances where the decision to terminate a guardianship is contested by involved parties. In such cases, the right to appeal the court’s decision is a vital legal recourse. This ensures that all parties have the opportunity to seek a review of the decision if they believe it does not serve the ward’s best interests.

Terminating guardianship in Texas is a nuanced process, necessitating careful consideration of the ward’s preferences, the guardian ad litem’s advocacy, and the potential for appeals. It underscores the importance of informed legal guidance to navigate these complexities effectively. Understanding each facet of how to terminate guardianship ensures that decisions are made in a manner that truly reflects and safeguards the ward’s interests and rights.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

The Appeals Process in Guardianship Termination

When discussing how to terminate guardianship in Texas, it’s important to address the appeals process. If any party involved in the guardianship disagrees with the court’s decision to terminate, they have the right to file an appeal. This allows for a thorough review of the court’s decision, ensuring every party has the opportunity to voice their concerns and present their arguments.

The Appeals Process in Guardianship Termination

Navigating Timelines and Understanding Process Duration

A crucial aspect of terminating guardianship is understanding the timeline and duration of the process. The time required to complete the termination can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the case and court schedules.

Understanding Typical Timelines for Termination

The termination of guardianship involves multiple steps, each with its own timeline. From filing the initial petition to the final issuance of a court order, being aware of these timelines is vital for setting realistic expectations regarding the process duration.

Termination Across Different Types of Guardianships

It’s essential to recognize that the termination process may differ depending on the type of guardianship. Each category of guardianship – whether for minors, adults with disabilities, or elderly individuals – comes with its unique set of considerations and legal requirements. Understanding these distinctions is key to effectively navigating how to terminate guardianship in Texas.

A Tailored Approach to Each Case

In summary, terminating guardianship in Texas is a multifaceted process, encompassing the understanding of legal procedures, timelines, and the specificities of different types of guardianships. Whether it involves going through the appeals process or adapting to the particularities of each guardianship case, a tailored approach is essential. Legal guidance remains a critical component, ensuring that all actions are aligned with the best interests of the ward and comply with Texas law.

Type of Guardianship

Criteria for Termination

Examples or Scenarios

Guardianships for Minors

– Child reaches the age of majority.

– Significant changes in circumstances.

– Child turns 18 years old.

– Parental situation stabilizes.

Guardianships for Individuals with Disabilities

– Improvement in the ward’s capacity to make decisions.

– Significant changes in the ward’s circumstances.

– Ward’s mental health improves.

– Ward acquires new skills for independent living.

Guardianships for Elderly Individuals

– Improved cognitive function or health.

– Changes in the ward’s living situation.

– Elderly ward’s cognitive abilities improve.

– Ward moves into an assisted living facility.

Termination of Different Types of Guardianships

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: Tailoring to Specific Needs

Guardianships for Minors and Termination Criteria

When examining how to terminate guardianship in Texas, special consideration is given to cases involving minors. Guardianship for a minor typically ends when the child reaches the age of majority. However, it can also be terminated earlier if there are significant changes in the circumstances that initially necessitated the guardianship.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas Tailoring to Specific Needs

Assessing Guardianship Termination for Individuals with Disabilities

For individuals with disabilities, guardianships may require continuous evaluation to determine whether the ward’s condition has improved enough to warrant termination. The process of how to terminate guardianship in this context involves carefully assessing the ward’s current capabilities and whether they can manage their affairs independently.

Considering Termination for Elderly Wards

In cases where elderly individuals are under guardianship due to cognitive decline or health issues impacting their decision-making abilities, termination may become an option if their condition shows significant improvement. The process involves evaluating the ward’s current mental and physical health status.

Understanding the Financial Impact of Guardianship Termination

Terminating a guardianship can significantly impact the financial affairs of the ward. This includes the transition of managing assets and handling finances post-termination. Understanding how to terminate guardianship in Texas requires careful planning to ensure the financial well-being of the ward during and after the termination process.

Navigating the Termination Process with Precision

Each type of guardianship – whether for minors, individuals with disabilities, or elderly persons – demands a specific approach when considering termination. The process in Texas requires a detailed understanding of the ward’s unique circumstances, their evolving needs, and the potential financial implications. Legal guidance is crucial in these cases, ensuring that decisions regarding termination are made with the utmost care and in the best interests of the ward.

How to Terminate Guardianship in Texas: Financial and Support Considerations

Addressing Financial Responsibilities Post-Termination

A crucial aspect of understanding how to terminate guardianship in Texas involves managing the financial implications. When a guardianship ends, the responsibility for financial decisions often shifts back to the ward. In some cases, alternative arrangements might be necessary to safeguard their financial well-being. This transition requires careful planning to ensure the ward’s assets and finances are managed effectively post-termination.

Addressing Financial Responsibilities Post

Exploring Post-Termination Support Services

Termination of guardianship doesn’t always mean the end of support for the ward. It’s important to explore available support services and resources to assist the ward after guardianship has ended. These services may include financial management assistance, healthcare services, or other forms of support tailored to the ward’s needs.

Ensuring a Smooth Transition Post-Guardianship

Achieving a smooth transition following the termination of guardianship is key. This involves notifying all relevant parties, such as government agencies and financial institutions, about the termination. Proper notification ensures that these entities are aware of the change in the ward’s status and can adjust their records and procedures accordingly.

Navigating Termination with Comprehensive Planning

When looking into how to terminate guardianship in Texas, it’s not just about the legal proceedings; it’s also about ensuring that the ward’s financial and support needs are addressed both during and after the transition. This requires comprehensive planning and coordination with various parties to facilitate a smooth shift in responsibilities and support. Legal advice and assistance remain crucial throughout this process, helping to navigate the complex aspects of termination and ensuring that the ward’s best interests are maintained.

Developing a Transition Plan for Post-Termination

When exploring how to terminate guardianship in Texas, it’s critical to consider the creation of a transition plan. This plan is often established by the court to ensure that the ward’s needs continue to be met effectively after the guardianship has ended. A well-structured transition plan can include arrangements for financial management, healthcare, and other support services necessary for the ward’s well-being.

Developing a Transition Plan for Post

An important aspect of terminating guardianship is understanding the associated legal costs and fees. It’s essential to be aware of the potential expenses involved in the termination process. This includes attorney fees, court costs, and other related expenses.

Managing legal costs is a key component of the process to terminate guardianship. All parties should be clear about their financial responsibilities and explore various options to manage these costs. This might include fee waivers or assistance programs, especially for low-income individuals or families. It’s advisable to seek guidance on potential financial aid or cost-effective legal services to ease the financial burden of the termination process.

Comprehensive Planning for Guardianship Termination

Understanding how to terminate guardianship in Texas involves not only legal procedures but also careful planning for the ward’s transition post-termination and a clear grasp of the financial aspects. Whether it’s establishing a transition plan or managing legal costs, each step requires thoughtful consideration and planning. Seeking legal advice and assistance is crucial in navigating these complexities, ensuring a smooth transition for the ward and effective management of all associated costs and responsibilities.


And there you have it, our journey into the world of terminating guardianships in Texas has come to an end. But before you rush off to navigate the legal maze, let’s wrap things up with a little story.

Picture this: it’s a sunny afternoon, and your cousin Sam, the very same troublemaker we mentioned earlier, is standing on his own two feet, making decisions like a pro. Your aging aunt is sipping tea in her favorite rocking chair, reveling in her newfound independence. How did they get there? Well, it all started with a desire to break free from guardianship constraints, just like the journey you’re embarking on now.

As you venture forth armed with knowledge about legal grounds, alternatives, and all the intricacies we’ve covered, remember that you’re not alone. Thousands of families in Texas have faced similar crossroads, and they’ve emerged victorious in their quests to ensure their loved ones live life to the fullest.

So, whether you’re the hero in your cousin Sam’s story or the guiding light in your aging aunt’s tale, take a deep breath, put on your legal superhero cape, and remember, you’ve got this. With the insights from this article and a sprinkle of determination, you can pave the way for brighter, more independent tomorrows.

Now go, empower your loved ones, and let their stories of freedom begin!

Guardianship FAQs in Texas


How long does guardianship last in Texas?
Guardianship in Texas generally lasts until the ward becomes an adult, recovers from their incapacity, or passes away. However, the specific duration can vary based on individual circumstances and court decisions.

What is the disqualification of guardian in Texas?
In Texas, disqualifications for a guardian include having a history of gross misconduct, being incapacitated, having conflicts of interest with the ward, or being a felon, among others.

What is Texas law on guardianship?
Texas law on guardianship involves legally appointing a responsible person to care for an individual who is unable to make their own decisions due to minor age, disability, or incapacity.

Does guardianship override parental rights in Texas?
Yes, in certain situations, guardianship can override parental rights in Texas, especially when a court determines that it is in the best interest of the child or ward.

Does guardianship override power of attorney in Texas?
Generally, guardianship can override a power of attorney in Texas if the court finds it necessary for the protection of the ward’s interests.

When can a guardianship be modified in Texas?
A guardianship in Texas can be modified when there is a significant change in the ward’s condition or circumstances that warrants adjustment of the guardianship terms.

What must guardian do before letters of guardianship are issued in Texas?
Before letters of guardianship are issued in Texas, a prospective guardian must complete a background check, training, and sometimes a court hearing to establish their suitability.

Which of the following is a reason that could disqualify an individual from being a guardian?
Reasons for disqualification from being a guardian include a history of criminal activity, a conflict of interest with the ward, incapacity, and a history of dishonesty or unsuitable behavior.

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