
Mother’s Rights Attorney in Johnson County Texas: Navigating Child Custody and Support

Are you a mother in Johnson County, Texas who is going through a child custody case? There are so many issues to keep track of and obstacles to avoid. Certainly, you want to do what is best for your child. On top of that, you have your own life to be concerned with as well as your future as a family to weigh. All these factors are coming together to make for a complex family law case. Where can you turn when you have delicate family matters and complex facts?

The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan are here to walk you through your child custody case. As a mother, you build your life around that of your children. Sacrificial love is a major component of being a mother. What you want to avoid is a situation where all your efforts expended at parenting go up in smoke during a family law case. Can your child custody case cause you to lose your relationship with your child? Today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan will go a long way toward helping you answer that question. 

Have questions about today’s blog post subject matter? The Law Office of Bryan Fagan has an office location in Dallas where we can host you for a free consultation. If you prefer, we also offer free of charge consultations six days a week in person and over the phone. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan is here for you. 

Helping to arrive at outcomes which are in the best interests of your child

As a mother, your concerns about serving the best interests of your child are shared by the court. The State of Texas requires judges to consider the best interests of your child primarily when looking at a family law case. There are many relevant factors in a child custody case. However, the best interest of your child is foremost among them. Expect that your child’s physical and emotional health is highly considered in a child custody case. 

Sometimes the best interests of your child do not necessarily align with your own best interests. That can be difficult for some parents to understand. We would like to think that what we do as a parent is always aligned with our child’s best interests. However, in some instances, it can be said that we act out of self-interest. There is nothing wrong with that. However, a court wants to focus primarily on what is in your child’s best interests. 

What does this mean for your case? You may be forced to live with court orders that suit your child and your co-parent but not necessarily you. In other situations, the court orders may suit you more than your co-parent. It is a balancing act that a court must maintain in a custody case. As a mother, you need a vigilant partner and advocate in your case. This is where the Law Office of Bryan Fagan can serve you especially well. We take a great deal of pride in being able to serve our clients who are mothers. 

Joint custody- what it means for your case

The default setting in a Texas child custody case named both parents as joint managing conservators. This means that you and your co-parent we’ll both be able to play a crucial role in the life of your child moving forward. Not only will you both share decision-making capabilities related to your child but you will also be positioned to build a meaningful relationship with him or her. Sharing time and decision-making authority concerning your child is a key part of Joint custody.

This does not mean that there are no differences between parents in a joint managing conservatorship. For instance, in a joint managing conservatorship, you and your co-parent have slightly different roles when it comes to the daily life of your child. For instance, you may want to be the primary conservator of your child. This is a role where your child will live with you during the school week. In addition, the primary conservator of your child receives child support and tends to spend more time with your child. For many mothers, this is already the role that you have played with your child to this point in time.

When your child’s father has also been an involved parent this presents challenges for you. Specifically, it is not a foregone conclusion that you will be named as the primary conservator of your child. When you and your co-parent both have strong claims to the primary conservatorship of your child that is when you especially need to consider having an attorney for your case. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan is uniquely suited to help mothers in Johnson County just like you.

Child support for Texas mothers

Understandably, you are likely concerned with the financial well-being of your family after this family law case comes to an end. One of the ways that the state of Texas attempts to help families with their finances after a child custody case is through child support. If you are named as the primary conservator of your child, then you can expect to receive child support. Child support is not intended to help your child maintain a certain lifestyle. However, child support is intended to help your child receive the essentials of life. Food, clothing, and shelter are those essentials. 

When you receive child support all your co-parent’s income sources must be considered. Many families end up in a bind when child support is considered. A key reason for this is an incomplete assessment of your co-parent’s net monthly income. The more detailed your search into his income is, the better chance you have at getting child support assessed correctly, 

A detailed search of your co-parent’s income sources may require you to submit discovery requests upon your co-parent. Phrasing your discovery requests in a way that helps you receive information and avoid objections is key. An experienced family law attorney with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan can help you navigate these waters successfully. We know what it takes to help mothers just like you receive fair outcomes in child custody cases. 

Managing expectations and emotions during a child custody case

Undoubtedly, your child custody case will be an emotional experience. How could it not be? You have the perfect storm of love, concern for your child, and heightened expectations all rolled into one case. A child custody case involves subjects that are near and dear to your heart. On top of that, you are working to negotiate with a co-parent that you may not have much in common with any longer. His goals in this case likely stand in opposition to yours. This is a perfect storm when it comes to some of the most stressful and emotional topics you could ever involve yourself with.

Working with an experienced family law attorney is a great way to help you manage your expectations and build confidence in yourself. There is good reason to lack confidence in yourself when you have never been through a child custody case before. Some so many factors and circumstances require you to make decisions. When it comes to a child custody case you should not take for granted the amount that an experienced family law attorney can help. We have been fortunate to serve clients and your position on many occasions previously.

Having bold expectations for your child custody case is not a bad thing. However, you need to be able to balance those expectations with a game plan to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself. Once you have created goals for yourself you will need to have a game plan set forth that can help you to accomplish those goals. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan are here to assist you. We do not only provide legal advice. We help educate our clients with the heart of a teacher. From there, you are better able to make decisions in your case that are best for you and your child.

Preparing the way for you and your child

One of the ways that an experienced family law attorney can assist you in your case is to make sure that you meet all deadlines. There are filing deadlines associated with scheduling hearings, responding to opponent documents, and preparing for trial. On top of that, drafting legal paperwork is challenging. There are specific ways that courts require parties to write and form their written arguments. An attorney with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan knows how to handle these types of requests.

Making mistakes in child custody cases costs time and money. The last thing you want to do is put your child in a position where their best interests cannot be maintained. Avoiding mistakes is not always easy especially when you don’t have experience in a child custody case. Think about your job. Were there things you didn’t know at first that you wish you did? How did those mistakes you made end up impacting your work performance? These same lessons apply to the world of Texas family law. 

Fortunately for you, there are ways for you to avoid costly errors in a child custody case. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan Walk alongside mothers in a variety of family law cases. Not only do we know the law but we know how the land stands to impact you and your family. Offering you a keen knowledge of the law and an understanding of how the law impacts your life is a winning combination. We won’t just file your case. Our attorneys take a personal interest in the well-being of your family. 

Mediation in Child Custody cases

You aren’t necessarily looking for a fight but if you need to you will do whatever it takes to protect your child. Parents feel this way about their children without a doubt. Mothers have an especially strong bond with their children. It probably isn’t your intent to go into a child custody case to create animosity with your co-parent. However, you also aren’t about to back down if a fight presents itself. Your co-parent wants what is best for your child in their mind. You are the same way. Is there a method to meet in the middle so that you both feel heard and valued?

Mediation is that middle ground. For those of you who do not know, mediation is a process where you and your co-parent agree to have a third party work to help you settle your case. You and your co-parent go to the mediator’s office in separate rooms. The mediator acts like a ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth between your rooms. Settlement offers and counteroffers are communicated. The mediator plays devil’s advocate. What makes mediation nice is that he or she is either a practicing family attorney or a former judge. That means their opinions come from a place of experience.

A successful mediation session results in a mediated settlement agreement. Your attorneys will need to draft court orders based on that settlement agreement. Whatever you and your co-parent do not settle in mediation will be the subject matter of your trial. Going to trial is not the worst outcome in the world. A trial may be necessary when you consider that you and your spouse may have vastly different views of particular issues involved in your case. However, mediation represents a group opportunity to settle your case and bypass the need for a trial.

Parental alienation

When a parent uses their position within the family to drive a wedge between their child and their co-parent that is parental alienation. Even if you are not familiar with the term “parental alienation” you are likely familiar with the reality of alienation. Take a situation where your co-parent is consistently bad-mouthing you in front of your children. This is an especially bad situation to find yourself in because you cannot defend yourself. These conversations almost always take place when you are not present. No matter how old your children are they may be prone to believing the false words of your co-parent. In short, there is no telling just how much harm can come about as a result of attempts at parental alienation. The question is: what can you do to protect yourself and your child?

First, you can address the situation directly with your co-parent. Make sure that he knows that you are aware of what is happening. Some children will ask questions about what they have been told. Otherwise- you may just experience the effects of co-parenting without actually knowing it is going on. Watch for signs of parental alienation. Your children may give you the cold shoulder whereas previously they were warm and affectionate. When your child does not want to spend time with you that is a tell-tale sign of parental alienation. 

Work with your experienced family law attorney to determine how you can counteract parental alienation. There are likely court orders in place that are intended to prevent alienating behavior. However, parental alienation is especially pernicious because it is difficult to counteract immediately. By the time you see its effects, it may have been ongoing for some time. As a result, taking action when you identify it is important. Again, working with an experienced family law attorney makes a tremendous difference in this regard. 

Final thoughts on child custody cases in Johnson County, Texas

If you are feeling like you have a lot on your plate at the moment, then take a second for a deep breath. Being a mother means taking on a great deal of responsibility in the lives of your children. Keeping track of your child’s schedule and their needs is not simple to do. On top of that, you have your responsibilities and commitments to uphold. In short, being a mother is tough work.

A child custody case makes all these responsibilities seem even more daunting. Even if you are fully committed to representing your family as best as possible it usually takes a team to put forth the best possible case you can. In times like this, where can you turn for assistance? Is it even worth your while to try and seek out representation in a child custody case?

The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan have your back. We understand the sacrifices that come along with motherhood. If you would like to learn more about child custody cases in Johnson County, Texas please contact us today. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan is on your side.

Questions about the material contained in today’s blog post? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan

The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan offer free of charge consultations six days a week in person, over the phone, and via video. These consultations are a great way for you to learn more about the world of Texas family law. Before signing a document or negotiating on a subject you do not know well, contact our office. We look forward to the opportunity of serving you during an important part of your life. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan is on your side. 

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