How To Minimize Estate Taxes in Texas

How To Minimize Estate Taxes in Texas

Minimizing estate taxes is a crucial financial step for Texas residents. This guide focuses on effective strategies, including understanding gift taxes in Texas, to ensure your legacy is maximized for […]

Is Your Will Valid in Texas?

Is an Oral Will Valid in Texas? Understanding Estate Planning

A will, also known as a last will and testament, is a vital legal document in estate planning. It delineates an individual’s desires concerning asset distribution and affairs management after […]

Does a New Will Supersede an Old Will?

Does a New Will Supersede an Old Will?

Creating a will is imperative for responsible financial planning, bridging the gap between the old and the new by legally delineating how your assets will be distributed after your passing. […]

Do Codicils Have to Be Notarized?

Do Codicils Have to Be Notarized?

“Do codicils have to be notarized?” is a frequent question in estate planning. A codicil, which is an amendment to a will, often requires notarization to enhance its legal standing […]

Can a Codicil Be Handwritten?

Can a Codicil Be Handwritten?

A legal document called a codicil makes changes or additions to an existing will. It modifies certain provisions of the original will without revoking it entirely and typically serves to […]

Is Texas a 50/50 State For a Divorce?

Divorce in TX: 50/50 Division of Property | Bryan Fagan, PLLC

Dividing assets in a divorce isn’t always as simple as splitting everything in half. Many assume Texas follows a strict 50/50 division of property, but that’s not always the case. […]