Child Custody Basics for Texas Parents Revisited

Mastering Testimony: Your Guide to Temporary Orders Hearings in Texas

Navigating child custody in Texas can be a complex and emotional process, but understanding the basics of custody arrangements is essential for parents facing this challenge. In Texas, the courts […]

What to Do if You Disagree with a DFPS Decision

What to do if you disagree with a DFPS decision?

Navigating the legal terrain surrounding a decision by the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) can be likened to surviving in a complex maze. For many, even contemplating a […]

Understanding Types of Child Custody in Texas

Types of Child Custody in Texas: Understanding Your Options

Entering into a custody agreement with your co-parent takes time. This is not something that you should rush into. Taking the time necessary to plan out how sharing custody takes […]