Want to Settle Your Divorce? Follow These Steps

When you initially think of divorce, you might envision a courtroom scene with individuals hurling insults and accusations. Movies and television often depict divorces in this dramatic manner. However, the reality is that the majority of divorces in Texas do not involve such courtroom theatrics. This is where divorce settlement offer letter samples can play a crucial role. Utilizing divorce settlement offer letter samples can provide clarity and structure to your negotiations.

Most Texas divorces settle before the inside of a courtroom is ever seen. However, what separates the settled cases from the litigated cases is more than just facts and circumstances. A lot of times, the parties’ approach has as much to do with it as anything else. If you can approach your divorce with the mindset that you will work every day towards a settlement of your divorce case, you will likely achieve that goal.

Today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, will detail some pieces of advice that our attorneys have to provide you with a leg up in attempting to settle a divorce case well before the need to go to court.

Set your pride to the side and initiate decent settlement offers

I have worked as a family law attorney for several years. In my experience, I’ve encountered occasions where parties make very weak settlement offers to test the waters and see what a person may be willing to accept early on in the case. Another motivation for doing so maybe that you do not want to appear weak or overly willing to submit yourself to the negotiation process. After all, if you are negotiating from a position of strength, why concede anything to your opposing party.

If you have this mindset heading into your divorce, I can almost assure you that your case will sit for a good while until either you or your opposing party come forth with a decent settlement offer. The fact is that at different stages of a divorce, your settlement offer could be received differently. By trying to appear strong in negotiations, you could be missing out on a golden opportunity to settle your case. There are no guarantees that the opportunity will present itself again.

There is no shame in being the party that approaches the other to settle the divorce. Your attorney will help you ensure that you are not conceding too much in your settlement offer.

Negotiate in a forward-looking position

Suppose that you make a settlement offer to your opponent in the area of your property division. The offer is rejected, and a counteroffer is received that is not at all close to yours. You have your ends of the spectrum at this stage. You can now seek to move yourself a little closer to your opponent.

Instead of attempting to move closer to your opponent in your counteroffer, you go the other way. Make an offer that is more likely to be denied. While it is unfair to say that it is never a good idea to retract a prior settlement offer and issue a new offer, these circumstances do not often present themselves. Also, effective communication and negotiation skills can be enhanced by studying different divorce settlement offer letter samples.

The general rule of negotiation that I follow is that once a proposal is made to your opposing party, each subsequent offer must attempt to bring the parties closer together. To negotiate in the way, I described above would be negotiating “backward.” In effect, you are punishing your spouse by rejecting their counteroffer and then moving further away. Thus, you are causing a settlement to become less and less like. Your good faith offer can always be rejected. However, you should not seek to punish the other party for doing so. If you operate in good faith and your spouse does as well, there is a high likelihood that a settlement can be reached eventually.

Be willing to negotiate.

You may think that your spouse is the most hard-headed and difficult person on this planet. As a result, any attempts to settle with him or she will likely be fruitless. Having this mindset will cause you to retreat into your separate corners. Here, only the bell of litigation will free you. If your fair offer is met with rebuke, then you should stop negotiating before making a counteroffer. By issuing a bad counteroffer, you are falling into their trap, and you will find yourself inside of a courtroom as a result.

Mediation is a formal settlement negotiation where parties come together and negotiate with the assistance of a third-party mediator. This is where the distance between you and your spouse can be closed due to the nature of the negotiation session. You all can sit near one another all day in some cases. Time is your friend. The odds are decent that if you give your spouse time to consider your offers, the gap between your positions will lessen.

Do not get frustrated or angry at a settlement proposal.

If you are offered something in negotiations, do not consider it an insult to your character if it does not seem fair or evenhanded. Your spouse is likely working out their strategy to present issues to you. It could also be the case where your spouse is making offers that you believe to be absurd because they have a mistaken belief about a central issue about your case.

Usually, people do not make “low ball” offers out of a spirit of discord, but rather due to their testing the waters to see how you will react if you maintain your composure and understand that negotiation may last for months, your chances to avoiding a courtroom battle increase a great deal.

Prepare an initial settlement offer with your attorney.

Just because a settlement proposal may be informal does not mean that you shouldn’t put a lot of thought into it. Meet with your attorney before you make a settlement offer to learn about the issues of your case and what a reasonable offer looks like as a result. What may seem reasonable to you as a layperson may not be all that reasonable from the perspective of an attorney? Talk to your lawyer to see what is reasonable and how you can incorporate reason into your settlement proposals.

While it is advisable to settle your case in most situations rather than to proceed to the unknown (i.e., a bench trial), sometimes the settlement offers you receive are so bad that it is not a terrible idea to roll the dice and proceed with the trial. If you display a willingness to take the risk of going to trial, your opponent may wise up and make legitimate settlement offers. Either way, don’t lose your cool. Work with your attorney and be respectful to your spouse at all times. You never know when someone will make a solid offer, and when they do, you need to be prepared to accept it or make a reasonable counteroffer. Before finalizing your divorce agreement, consider reviewing various divorce settlement offer letter samples to ensure all pertinent aspects are addressed.

Questions about settling a divorce case? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC

The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, work tirelessly on behalf of our clients. If you are interested in learning how to assist you in your family law case, please contact us today. We offer free of charge consultations with our licensed family law attorneys six days a week. There is no case too big or too small for our attorneys to help you with. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Adobe Stock 62844981[2]If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce

Divorce Wasting Assets[4] If you want to know more about how to prepare, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: 13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!

  1. Do You Pay Taxes On a Divorce Settlement in Texas?
  2. Property Settlement Guide: How Assets are Divided After Divorce
  3. Investigating the Implications of Marriage Duration on Divorce Settlements in Texas
  4. 10 Ways to Prepare to Negotiate a Divorce Settlement
  5. Can you mediate and settle before filing for divorce in Texas?
  6. Is a lump sum payment in a divorce settlement taxable?
  7. Does length of marriage affect divorce settlement?
  8. What do you want to get out of settlement negotiations in your Texas divorce?
  9. Can I Revoke or Set Aside a Mediated Settlement Agreement in a Texas Divorce?
  10. Mediate, don’t litigate: How to settle your divorce
  11. Dividing community property in mediation: What can be done to settle your divorce in Texas
  12. How to negotiate a divorce settlement with taxes in mind

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a settlement letter for divorce?

Your guide to crafting a comprehensive divorce settlement offer letter is right here. Check out our blog for step-by-step instructions.

How do I write a settlement offer letter?

Discover the key elements and best practices for drafting a persuasive settlement offer letter in our blog post.

How do you phrase a settlement offer?

Learn how to effectively phrase your settlement offer to convey your intentions clearly and professionally. Our blog has you covered.

How do I write a settlement offer lawsuit?

If you’re dealing with a lawsuit and need to make a settlement offer, our blog provides valuable insights into creating a compelling proposal.

What is an example of a divorce statement?

Explore real-life examples of divorce statements to understand how to articulate your needs and preferences in your divorce settlement offer letter.

What is an example of a proposal for settlement?

Check out our blog for examples of effective settlement proposals, along with tips on tailoring them to your specific situation.

How do I make a full and final settlement offer?

Find out how to create a full and final settlement offer that leaves no room for ambiguity. Our blog guides you through the process.

How much should I offer in a settlement agreement?

Get insights into determining the right settlement amount based on your circumstances and goals. Our blog helps you make informed decisions.

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