
The attorney-client relationship is the key to winning your Texas divorce case

Picture this: You’re sailing through the stormy seas of divorce, desperately seeking the guiding star that will lead you to calmer waters. Your trusty compass? None other than your divorce lawyer. The dynamic between a lawyer and their client is fundamental to the legal profession. Choosing the right attorney is not just about legal expertise; it’s like picking a dance partner for life’s most complicated tango. Be prepared for the emotional and financial implications of a divorce case.

In this blog, we’re about to spill the beans on “how to choose a divorce lawyer” in the great state of Texas. The short answer? It’s all about understanding the legal maze, building a dream team, and ensuring you’re emotionally equipped for the ride.

So, what’s the scoop? Why should you keep reading? Well, my friend, we’ll take you on a rollercoaster journey through Texas divorce laws, introduce you to various divorce personas, teach you the art of the lawyer interview, and even sprinkle in some courtroom drama. Divorce is a challenging and often complex process that can have significant emotional and legal implications. So, buckle up; your divorce adventure begins now!

The attorney-client relationship is the key to winning your Texas divorce case

As you navigate the complexities of your Texas divorce, the key to a successful outcome hinges not just on the dissolution of your marital relationship, but significantly on the dynamic you establish with your divorce lawyer. While one partnership may not have unfolded as planned, embarking on this new professional attorney client relationship presents an opportunity to forge a strong, trust-based connection with someone who will play a pivotal role in your life for the coming months.

Choosing a divorce lawyer is a critical step, and it’s essential to dispel any misconceptions about attorneys that prevail in popular culture and media. We often encounter lawyer stereotypes and negative portrayals, but it’s important to look beyond these to understand the true value of a skilled legal professional in your divorce proceedings. In today’s discussion, we’ll delve into how to choose a divorce lawyer who can effectively collaborate with you, offering guidance and expertise drawn from years of experience.

Remember, your attorney is not a solitary player in your case. Rather, they are there to steer and counsel you on matters where their expertise shines. Despite their legal acumen, the ultimate decisions rest with you. Your name is on every legal document, and it’s your family, assets, and future that are at the forefront of this process. Understanding this dynamic is crucial in selecting a divorce lawyer who respects your autonomy while providing expert legal support.

Communication is key

Is there Client Confidentiality in Texas family law cases? How to be the best family law client that you can be? These questions often hinge on the pivotal role of communication between you and your attorney. The success of your case in Texas family law can be significantly influenced by how effectively you communicate with your legal representative. This isn’t about sharing deep, personal stories like you would with family members; rather, it’s about the efficient exchange of necessary information.

Being the best family law client you can be involves regularly updating your attorney on relevant issues and being receptive to their updates as well. At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, for instance, we go to great lengths to ensure smooth communication with our clients. We understand the importance of client confidentiality in Texas family law cases and strive to respect your preferences, whether it’s choosing a preferred day for updates or a specific mode of communication like phone or email. While urgent messages may need immediate attention, for routine updates, we are flexible and work around your schedule to find the most convenient time and method for communication. This approach not only respects your busy life but also fosters a strong attorney-client relationship, crucial for navigating the complexities of family law.

Think about your case and how you will argue your positions to a judge

It is likely that you will never actually have to go in front of a judge in your divorce case. We talked in yesterday’s blog post about how mediation has effectively made a divorce in Texas more about negotiation than litigation. This is a good thing for literally every person involved in your case. However, in the event that you will go to court, you and your attorney need to be prepared to present evidence that can help you. Begin by collecting evidence that could be beneficial to your case and provide that evidence to your attorney. Even if you think something is silly or not likely to be helpful you ought to provide it to him or her.

Many pieces of evidence may need to be explained to your attorney and/or their staff to be fully understood. Some things- text messages, emails, etc.- have context-specific explanations that need to be provided. If this is true of your case, it is best to work with your attorney’s staff to schedule a time for you to speak to them about the evidence that you are providing. How you came about the evidence, what it represents and its significance to your case are good places to start a discussion. Your attorney can sit with you and analyze the evidence to figure out how to best utilize it in your case.

Do your homework and submit it on time

If you struggled in school with completing your work in a timely manner your divorce will offer you an opportunity to try again at this skill. At the beginning of your case, your attorney will hand you some paperwork to fill out. These documents are requesting basic information about you, your spouse and your family. It is helpful for your attorney to have these documents back by the time he or she begins to file your Petition for Divorce or needs to file an Answer for you. If you fail to turn these documents back into your attorney on time it may delay and ultimately harm your case.

Do your homework and submit it on time If you struggled in school with completing your work in a timely manner your divorce will offer y

Next, it is likely that your spouse will submit to your attorney what is known as Discovery requests. Discovery seeks to do exactly what you would think- obtain information about you and your life that can be used in your divorce case. These are not short or easy to complete requests. Some ask for you to answer “yes” or “no” type questions. Others will ask for you to fill in responses to some fairly detailed and complicated questions. Others will ask for you to collect and submit documents that are of interest to your spouse.

These requests must be turned in no later than thirty days from the date on which your attorney was provided the questions and requests from your spouse. As a result, you and your attorney will need to be on the same page as to how to respond appropriately to those requests. This can be done through exchanging emails about questions that don’t make sense, or by having periodic phone calls to help you sort through issues. However, it is my experience that your best bet is to set up a time to speak with your attorney about the requests in person.

Remember- if it takes you 28 days to submit responses to these discovery requests to your attorney that only leaves him or her two days to review the material you provided, clarify any questions with you and then submit responses to their requests in an appropriate format. Like any good relationship, you need to think about your partner and how your actions will affect him or her. If you do not give your attorney enough time to do their job he or she may need to request an extension to submit your discovery responses. It is likely that an extension will be provided but your case may be unnecessarily delayed because of your actions.

If you need to communicate with your spouse do it in writing if at all possible

Have you ever been misquoted or misunderstood by a friend or family member? I think it is safe to say that we all have. It is a tough situation to be in, especially if that misunderstanding was due to something you told your friend or family member. We usually do not have an accurate record of what we say to other people so the misunderstanding can quickly evolve into a “he said, she said” battle.

If you need to communicate with your spouse do it in writing if at all possible

In the context of a divorce case, he said/she said, is a recipe for anger, resentment, and delaying of cases. If you and your spouse are going over important subjects like your children, money, property or anything related to your divorce I would recommend that you have those discussions in writing rather than over the phone. Certainly, details can be ironed out in quick phone calls but if you are trying to engage in informal negotiations then use email. This way you can track exactly what was said and what was not said. You will also have a clear record of what you and your spouse want out of your divorce. Gaining a window into the thought processes of your spouse can be among the more valuable benefits of better communication.

Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for a rather small argument to blossom into something much larger in a high stakes situation like a divorce. Your attorney and your spouse’s attorney can be great allies when it comes to calming down their respective clients. However, I can tell you from experience that the attorneys cannot help when each is relying on an entirely different set of facts than the other is. There is nothing more frustrating for two family law attorneys than to have upset, frustrated clients, who cannot get on the same page about what they are even arguing about.

You can avoid unwanted and unhelpful arguments by sticking to the plan of just communicated via email or text messages. This way you will have a clear record of what was said and where negotiations are. Secondly, you will not give your spouse an opportunity to mislead a judge, their attorney or any other person associated with your case by telling him or her an untruth about something that you supposedly had said.

Knowledge is power

Another hallmark of the attorney-client relationship is that you are paying your attorney to transfer as much of their knowledge about divorce to you and to your case. As such, if there is something about your case that you are unclear about or need clarification on, you should contact your attorney right away. Nobody is going to think less or you or get annoyed if you ask one to one-thousand questions. Your attorney works for you- not the other way around.

Just because your attorney is the one who has a nice office with the big desk and pretty furniture does not mean that you should feel intimidated by him or her. If that is the impression that you get then you may need to choose a different lawyer to work with. I mentioned at the outset of today’s blog post that your divorce case is yours- not your attorney’s. For you to be able to make good decisions in your case you need to have information. You will obtain that information from your attorney.

When you get into a mediation session then these pieces of advice become even more important. In mediation, you and your attorney will be spending a few hours receiving and submitting settlement proposals from your spouse and their attorney. This is when your question asking should be rapid fire. With so many plates spinning in the air it is essential that you be able to keep track of everything that is going on. The subtle nature of how one decision in a divorce can affect many issues down the road in your life and that of your children.

When your divorce is wrapping up, be sure to speak to your attorney about your Final Decree of Divorce. Much of the language in that document will be easily understood by most people but if there is a phrase or any other wording that does not make sense it is wise to ask questions about it prior to signing the document. Once you sign it is presumed that you have read and understood all portions of the order.

When it comes to the challenging journey of divorce, the first crucial decision you’ll make is selecting the right divorce lawyer. In the Lone Star State, understanding how to choose a divorce lawyer involves not only finding legal expertise but also building a trusting partnership. To help you make this pivotal choice, we’ll take you through a comprehensive guide on selecting the ideal divorce attorney for your Texas case.

How to Choose a Divorce Lawyer Navigating the Texas Legal Landscape

Understanding Texas Divorce Laws

To embark on this journey, it’s essential to grasp the legal terrain. Texas divorce laws govern the dissolution of marriages, and they include various aspects like grounds for divorce, residency requirements, and property division rules. Having a basic understanding of these laws will empower you to make informed decisions throughout the process.

Types of Divorce Cases

In Texas, divorce cases come in different forms, with contested and uncontested divorces being the most common. Understanding these distinctions is crucial because they significantly impact the attorney-client relationship. A contested divorce involves disputes over various issues, while an uncontested one is more amicable and straightforward.

ype of Divorce


Implications for Attorney-Client Relationship


Involves disputes over various aspects such as child custody, property division, and alimony.

Attorney may need to act as a strong advocate, navigate complex negotiations, and prepare for potential litigation. Communication and strategy play a significant role.


Typically more amicable, with both parties agreeing on major issues.

Attorney serves as a mediator and facilitator to ensure a smooth process. Focus is on reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement rather than contentious legal battles.

Types of Divorce Cases

Initial Consultation

Your first meeting with a divorce attorney is like an important job interview. During this initial consultation, you should come prepared with questions to ask and essential documents to provide. This meeting sets the tone for your attorney-client relationship and helps you assess whether this attorney is the right fit for your case.

Divorce can be financially taxing, so it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of how divorce attorneys charge for their services. They often work on a retainer basis, and you’ll want to discuss the terms of the agreement upfront. Additionally, consider strategies to manage legal costs to ensure you stay within your budget.

Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

In Texas, mediation plays a significant role in divorce cases, offering an alternative to lengthy courtroom battles. Understanding how mediation works and its potential impact on the attorney-client relationship is vital. Mediation can be a more collaborative and less adversarial way to resolve issues, and a skilled attorney can guide you through this process effectively.

Child Custody and Support

For parents, child custody and support are among the most critical aspects of divorce. Texas courts consider various factors when determining child custody arrangements and child support payments. Your attorney’s role is to advocate for your interests while keeping the child’s well-being in mind.

Property Division

Assets and debts acquired during the marriage need to be divided during divorce proceedings. Your attorney will play a crucial role in protecting your financial interests, so understanding how property division works in Texas is essential.

Property Division

Spousal Support (Alimony)

Spousal support, or alimony, is another complex aspect of divorce. The factors influencing spousal support determinations in Texas can be intricate, and having an attorney who understands how to navigate this aspect is crucial.

Knowing the typical stages of a divorce case in Texas, from filing to finalization, helps you manage expectations and plan accordingly. Each stage has its own timeline, and understanding the process can reduce anxiety during an already stressful time.

Emotional Support

Divorce is emotionally challenging, and it’s essential to find ways to cope effectively. Seeking counseling or joining support groups can provide the emotional support you need to navigate this difficult period.

The attorney-client relationship should be built on trust, ethics, and professionalism. Your attorney’s conduct can significantly impact your case and your well-being, so emphasize the importance of ethical behavior in this partnership.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

When choosing an attorney, don’t underestimate the value of client testimonials and reviews. They can offer insights into an attorney’s reputation, performance, and how previous clients have experienced their services. Researching and reading these testimonials can guide your decision-making process.

Preparing for Court

In the event that your divorce case goes to court, it’s essential to be prepared. Your attorney can provide guidance on what to wear, how to behave, and how to interact during court appearances. Being well-prepared can positively influence the outcome of your case.

Preparing for Court

Post-Divorce Considerations

Even after your divorce is finalized, there may be post-divorce matters to address. These could include modifying court orders, enforcing them, or dealing with ongoing issues related to child custody, support, or property division.

It’s essential to be aware of additional resources available to you, especially if you face financial constraints during the divorce process. Legal aid organizations and support services can provide valuable assistance and guidance.

Choosing a divorce lawyer in Texas is not just a legal decision but a personal one. The attorney-client relationship is a partnership that will impact your life for months to come. By understanding the legal landscape, your rights, and what to expect from your attorney, you can make an informed choice that sets you on the path to a successful divorce. Remember, your attorney is your advocate, and together, you can navigate the complexities of divorce and work towards a brighter future. Seek professional guidance and support when needed, and prioritize your well-being throughout the process.

The Grand Finale: Writing Your Happily-Ever-After

And there you have it, dear reader, the secrets to choosing a divorce lawyer in the great state of Texas! We’ve waded through the murky waters of legal jargon, met the diverse cast of divorce characters, and learned how to find the legal eagle that’s right for you.

But here’s the cherry on top: think of your divorce as an epic novel. You’re the protagonist, and your lawyer? They’re your trusty sidekick, helping you conquer the twists and turns of this thrilling adventure. The short answer to our quest, you ask? It’s all about knowing the law, finding a lawyer who speaks your language, and having the courage to turn the page on this chapter of your life.

So, as you embark on this exhilarating journey, remember this: choosing the right divorce lawyer isn’t just a legal decision; it’s a life-altering choice. With the right partner by your side, you can pen a new chapter filled with hope, resilience, and a brighter tomorrow. Here’s to your happily-ever-after!

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Adobe Stock 62844981[2]If you want to know more about what you can do, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “16 Steps to Help You Plan & Prepare for Your Texas Divorce”

Divorce Wasting Assets[4] If you want to know more about how to prepare, CLICK the button below to get your FREE E-book: “13 Dirty Tricks to Watch Out For in Your Texas Divorce, and How to Counter Them” Today!”

  1. Details about the Attorney-Client Relationship
  2. Tips for hiring a divorce attorney in Texas, Part Three
  3. Tips for hiring a divorce attorney in Texas
  4. Tips for hiring a divorce attorney in Texas, Part Two
  5. Hiring a Divorce or Family Lawyer
  6. Why do divorces cost so much in Texas?
  7. No Money, No Problem: Pro Bono Divorce Attorneys in Texas
  8. How to Find a Family Law Attorney in Texas
  9. How Can I Get Attorney Fees From My Spouse?
  10. The Importance of Hiring a Texas Divorce Attorney
  11. Factors to Consider when Choosing a Divorce Attorney
  12. The Benefits of Working with an Experienced Divorce Attorney
  13. Benefits of Retaining an Attorney
  14. Attorneys Collect Evidence from social media for Use in Family Law Cases
  15. What qualities make a good divorce attorney?
  16. What is the difference between an attorney and a family law attorney?

Frequently Asked Questions about Divorce in Texas

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At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, the firm wants to get to know your case before they commit to work with you. They offer all potential clients a no-obligation, free consultation where you can discuss your case under the client-attorney privilege. This means that everything you say will be kept private and the firm will respectfully advise you at no charge. You can learn more about Texas divorce law and get a good idea of how you want to proceed with your case.

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