
What is The Most Common Custody Arrangement in Texas?

When parents go through a divorce or separation in Texas, one of the most critical aspects to consider is the custody arrangement for their children. Custody arrangements, also known as conservatorship and possession and access, determine how parents will share rights and responsibilities regarding their children’s upbringing. Texas family law prioritizes the best interests of the child, aiming to create a stable and nurturing environment for them.

Custody arrangements in Texas are governed by the Texas Family Code. The law recognizes two types of conservatorship: joint managing conservatorship (JMC) and sole managing conservatorship (SMC). JMC allows both parents to share decision-making responsibilities, while SMC grants one parent the exclusive right to make major decisions on behalf of the child.

Factors Considered in Determining Child Custody Arrangement in Texas

  • Child’s Wishes: The court may consider the child’s preferences if they are of an appropriate age and maturity level to express a reasonable preference. However, the child’s wishes are not the sole determining factor and are subject to the court’s evaluation.

  • Child’s Emotional and Physical Needs: The court examines the child’s emotional and physical needs to ensure a stable and nurturing environment. Factors such as the child’s age, health, and any special needs are taken into account.

  • Parent-Child Relationship: The court evaluates the quality of the existing relationship between each parent and the child. The ability of each parent to meet the child’s emotional, educational, and developmental needs is assessed.

  • Parental Abilities and Stability: The court considers the parenting abilities and stability of each parent. Factors such as the parent’s mental and physical health, involvement in the child’s life, and ability to provide a safe and stable environment are examined.

  • Co-Parenting Cooperation: The willingness of each parent to encourage and facilitate a positive and ongoing relationship between the child and the other parent is assessed. Courts generally favor parents who demonstrate a cooperative attitude towards co-parenting and fostering a healthy relationship with the other parent.

  • History of Family Violence or Abuse: Any history of family violence or abuse, whether directed towards the child or another family member, is given serious consideration. The court prioritizes the safety and well-being of the child and may restrict or deny custody to a parent with a history of abuse.

  • Stability and Continuity: The court looks at the stability and continuity of the child’s living arrangements, including the child’s school, community ties, and relationships with siblings, extended family members, and friends.

  • Parent’s Financial Situation: While the financial situation alone does not determine custody, the court may consider each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s financial needs, including healthcare, education, and extracurricular activities.

  • Geographic Proximity: The court may consider the geographic proximity of each parent’s residence to facilitate regular and meaningful contact between the child and both parents.

  • Any Other Relevant Factors: Courts have the discretion to consider any other relevant factors that could impact the child’s best interests. These may include substance abuse issues, criminal history, or the ability of each parent to promote the child’s cultural and religious upbringing.

Types of Child Custody Arrangements in Texas

Texas family law recognizes various types of child custody arrangements that prioritize the best interests of the child while ensuring the involvement of both parents. This comprehensive article will explore the different types of child custody arrangements available in Texas and provide an understanding of their implications.

  • Joint Managing Conservatorship (JMC):

Joint Managing Conservatorship is the most common type of custody arrangement in Texas, emphasizing the importance of shared parental responsibilities. Key points to note about JMC include:

a. Decision-Making: Both parents have equal rights and duties in making major decisions concerning the child’s upbringing, such as education, medical care, and religious affiliation.

b. Parenting Time: The noncustodial parent typically has visitation rights, allowing them to spend substantial time with the child.

  • Sole Managing Conservatorship (SMC):

Sole Managing Conservatorship is granted when it is determined to be in the child’s best interests or when one parent is deemed unfit. Key aspects of SMC include:

a. Decision-Making: The parent designated as the sole managing conservator has the exclusive right to make significant decisions regarding the child’s well-being.

b. Parenting Time: The noncustodial parent may be granted visitation rights, which can vary based on the circumstances and the child’s best interests.

  • Split Custody:

Split custody is a less common arrangement in Texas. It occurs when there are multiple children involved, and each parent is granted primary custody of at least one child. Important considerations for split custody include:

a. Division of Custody: Each parent is designated as the primary custodian for one or more children.

b. Parenting Time: The visitation schedule may vary for each child, depending on their needs and best interests.

  • Bird’s Nest Custody:

Bird’s Nest custody, also known as nesting or shared residence, is a unique arrangement where the child remains in the family home while the parents take turns living there. Key features of this arrangement include:

a. Residence Rotation: The parents rotate in and out of the family home, allowing the child to maintain stability and continuity.

b. Parenting Time: Each parent has designated periods of time when they reside with the child in the family home.

  • Virtual Visitation:

Virtual visitation, or electronic communication, is a supplementary form of visitation that utilizes technology to facilitate interaction between the child and noncustodial parent. Important aspects of virtual visitation include:

a. Technological Interaction: The noncustodial parent communicates with the child through video calls, emails, instant messaging, or other electronic means.

b. Complementary to Physical Visitation: Virtual visitation is often used to supplement physical visitation, particularly in cases where distance or other factors limit in-person contact.

Determining the most suitable child custody arrangement is a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors. In Texas, the primary concern is always the best interests of the child, ensuring their emotional, physical, and educational well-being. It is essential for parents to consult with a qualified family law attorney to understand the specifics of their situation and make informed decisions regarding the custody arrangement that will promote the child’s long-term welfare.

The Most Common Custody Arrangement in Texas

When it comes to determining custody arrangements in Texas, there are several options available to parents. While each case is unique and depends on the specific circumstances, there is a commonly used custody arrangement that many families opt for in Texas. The most prevalent custody arrangement in Texas is known as the Standard Possession Order (SPO). The SPO is a default custody schedule outlined in the Texas Family Code that provides a structured framework for visitation and possession of the child by both parents. It is designed to ensure frequent and continuing contact between the child and both parents, taking into account the child’s best interests.

The SPO consists of several key components that define the possession and access schedule for the noncustodial parent. Here are the main elements of the Standard Possession Order:

  • Weekend Possession: The noncustodial parent typically has possession of the child on the first, third, and fifth weekends of each month, from Friday evening to Sunday evening. This allows for regular and consistent visitation during weekends.

  • Weekday Possession: In addition to the weekends, the noncustodial parent is usually granted overnight visits on one evening per week during the school year. This helps maintain an ongoing relationship and involvement with the child on a regular basis.

  • Holiday and Vacation Time: The SPO includes provisions for sharing holiday and vacation time between the parents. It designates specific holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break, alternating between parents each year. Additionally, extended possession during summer vacation is also specified.

  • Communication and Flexibility: The SPO encourages parents to maintain open lines of communication regarding the child’s well-being and important decisions. It allows for reasonable electronic communication (e.g., phone calls, emails) between the noncustodial parent and the child.

  • Customization and Modification: While the Standard Possession Order serves as a default custody arrangement, it is essential to understand that parents have the flexibility to customize it to better suit their unique circumstances. They can mutually agree to modifications and adjustments that align with their schedules, the child’s needs, and other relevant factors.

It is important to note that the court will always prioritize the child’s best interests when determining custody arrangements. If parents can reach a mutually agreeable arrangement that deviates from the Standard Possession Order and is deemed suitable for the child’s well-being, the court will generally approve it.

Navigating custody arrangements can be complex and emotionally challenging. It is highly recommended that parents seek the guidance of an experienced family law attorney who can provide advice tailored to their specific situation, like the ones here at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. Our attorneys can ensure that the custody arrangement is legally sound, protect the rights of both parents, and ultimately work towards creating a nurturing and stable environment for the child.

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