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Family Law Videos | Spousal Maintenance

Hi, my name is Ali Shah with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. Today, we want to talk about spousal maintenance. There are specifically four rules that apply in spousal maintenance. Because as you may already know, Texas does not have court order alimony. And what we have in the Texas family code is what we call spousal maintenance. And there are four requirements. So I’m going to go ahead and cover those four requirements with you in this video today. So, the four requirements include, generally, spousal maintenance is available for the spouse seeking it if, number one, the spouse is a victim of family violence; number two is unable to earn sufficient income to provide for her minimum reasonable needs, because of an incapacitating physical or mental disability; has been married for at least 10 years, and lacks the ability to provide for her minimum reasonable needs; or as a custodian of a child with a physical disability that prevents this spouse from earning sufficient income to meet her minimum reasonable needs. So these are the four requirements in the Texas family code. To find out more about spousal maintenance, please visit our website at www.bryanfagan.com or read our blogs about spousal maintenance. Thank you.